Past mistakes...

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First Person POV

For the first time in ages, I was sweating, not from fighting or long combat engagements, but from stress and anger, all the stress and anger I had kept from the days of the old, where I killed, slaughtered and even tortured those undeserving of my wrath, 'I must have killed hundred's of thousands that day, not a single one had wronged me, yet they died so I could find the Jedi master who killed my parent's, all for some pointless revenge'. I had came through a hatch in the ship and made my way to the coms room I throw my lightsabers down on the com table as I groaned in frustration, I ended up kicking the table with a yell as HK came from the ramp to see me throw myself on a chair as I covered my face in my hands.

HK: Master? Your vital signs suggest your body is going through a stage of resentment and anger...

Y/N: (Sarcastically) I Wonder why?!?

I say as I look at him with an angered look, causing him to comment on my tone.

HK: Master, you are been sarcastic, once again...

Y/N: HK, I just got outed for something I had no control over, I think I have the right to be sarcastic! 

HK: Ah, now you are angry, good to know...

Aliiza had came out of the cockpit and looked over to me, clearly hearing my angered tone, I looked over to her as she seemed to have an upset look on her face, she  Immediately came over to me, I stood up with a frown on my face as she decided to end up hugging me, the hug alone managed to calm a few of my senses down...she spoke in a soft voice trying to

Aliiza: (quietly) I'm sorry, I know you didn't want that to happen.

Y/N:  Neither did I.....I'm still wondering how they managed to find a video like that, they said something about Dantooine.

HK: Dantooine? What has Fleeing the Building got anything to do with there?

Y/N: (breaking from the Hug.) HK, Remember when we destroyed that Republic Cruiser over Alderaan? One with Aludran?

HK: Oh...the gangster you decide to let on board? Even when I told you here wouldn't lead you to your goal?

Y/N: Yep, that's the one....

HK: Master, we all know that was the Armature's fault, we assaulted the cargo hold and the Jedi teaching areas, not the bridge or engine room. It's impossible for us to have been the ones to do it.

Y/N: Yeah, but that's not how the senate saw it, Kriffing senators managed to find footage...

Aliiza: Well, surely this guy had footage if they say it was from Dantooine, I mean, they must have got it somehow...

Y/N: Something tells me this guy had friends, and that maybe they're still there...

Aliiza: Yeah, there's a problem, where would they be? They're plenty of smuggler ports and bases, I've even been to a few, I doubt we'd have time to look all over the planet...

Y/N: (chuckles) That is why I asked for a favor, and not money from the Mighty Jabba...

HK: The slug from Tatooine?

Aliiza: Yeah, (folding her arms) What can he do for us? 

She said with a little hint of annoyance in her voice, 'Oh right, she hates been a less been around them...'

Y/N: He's known throughout the galaxy, he'll have the sources I need to find how the Dear senator got his information.

Aliiza: You know for once, I wish you could kill him...

A Sith's Reawakening-- Male Sith Reader Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now