Restoration in the force.

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A little bit mind screwy here, lots of changes in scene settings.

First Person POV Flashback/Dream sequence

I felt my body been thrown through the darkness of my mind before I found myself crashing through a wall, the wall it self didn't break but I groaned from the pain, I got up and opened my eyes, I could see out of them? 'Wait a second this place... I remember this place...' I saw myself in the hallways of what I remembered to be the very ship my parent's died on, I had my former clothing on from my time during Orion's teachings, I also only had my red lightsaber, I looked around as I felt the ship rock from been boarded by a cruiser, I then heard screams come from around the corner I was at, I ran over to where I heard the screams only to find a hallway of dead civilians, I saw a republic trooper gun down a woman who fell in my direction, I see that they hadn't even spared women and children at this point.

Republic trooper 1: Huh, (pointing at me) Who the hell is that? He doesn't look like a civilian...

Republic trooper 2: Doesn't matter, he joins the list--

Republic trooper 3: --Wait a moment, he has a lightsaber... oh gods... is that a Jedi? What will General Jorrier say?

Y/N: You... You bastards!

I pull my saber to right and and leap at the troops, not even giving them time to raise their weapons as I cut two in half from the waist down, the last one tried to shoot me but only gargled as I held him up with the force, I hold my saber to his neck

Y/N: Tell me where Jorrier is! And you won't suffer!

Republic trooper 3: He-s on the lower deck! We-e we're told-d to destroy-- evidence--

I cut the guy off by snapping his neck and running past the bodies, I had no time to lose If I was going to try and stop him, I however as soon as I turned the corner again was thrown into another room, this time however was a training room back on Korriban? I looked about as I saw my younger self fighting Rhale to the death with multiple sith Masters watching, I angrily jumped into the arena and quickly Killed Rhale through stabbing him in the heart, causing multiple sith Masters to enter the fighting areas they ignited their lightsabers

Orion: Who are you to stop a fight? I shall have you torn apart!

Y/N: Not if I tear you apart first!

Orion: You won't stand the chance, (to the others) Kill him!

Two sith Masters instantly jumped for me, but I already knew this move and duck under their attack, slicing them both across their chests and killing them both, I watch as my younger self backed of scarred as I could see terror in myself, I then redirected my attention to Orion and the last two remaining sith masters, one tried to send lightning at me only for me to send my own more powerful blasts at him, sending him backwards, the other sith master tried to cut me down but I force pulled another Lightsaber to me and quickly sliced his head off, leaving Orion lest standing.

Orion: Oh no, I'm not fighting you just yet boy...

Orion sent a powerful force push at me sending me flying back, I managed to recover from the attack but when I looked up the room had changed, I was now in the hanger of a burning cruiser as I see Endel Jorrier standing pale and injured in front of me, he seemed horribly beaten and looked like the aftermath of my assault when I killed him, he tried to reason with me like he did last time round...

Endel: Y/N, it doesn't have to end this way! We walk different paths! But we want the same thing!

Y/N: You took my parents away, it will never happen to anyone again! 

A Sith's Reawakening-- Male Sith Reader Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now