Trouble on Corulag

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First Person POV

It was an uneventful morning, the day was warm, everything was quiet and peaceful for once, it had been a few days from Power generator bombings, however, I had awakened to a horrible news story, turns out not only were the banking clans been used for more troops which the republic couldn't seem to afford, but from what I found out from Ahsoka, Mina Bonteri was killed in an apparent republic attack, something I could not see happening, Mina was on Raxus, protected by a fleet of droids, we go lucky getting into Raxus, never mind leaving with our heads, I was going over everything in my com room with Ahsoka, Aliiza and HK present, something was way off and my feelings on this matter were not clear.

Ahsoka: (worried) Y/N, you need to calm down.

Y/N: I can't, there's too much to this story than you think, We get a possible cease fire from the separatists of all people, not the republic, the enemy! (getting more agitated)And yet, here we are, power generators blown to hell, A dead senator who proposed the treaty, and Politicians who wanted this to happen!

HK: Well, they do tend to get rather chatty when it comes to war, if by chatty, I mean by murdering one another behind closed doors.

I glared at HK which he simply stared back at me, I couldn't help but sigh as I looked down at the com table, deep in thought 'Mina wasn't killed by republic forces, I didn't see anything when looking at our battle strategies, Mina had influence, even if they were people in the republic that wanted her dead, they would have spoken so, not only that, Palpatine knew about her meeting us, but does that mean he was the one behind it?--

Aliiza: (waving a hand in my face) Hellooo! Boss? You in there?

Y/N: (shaking my head) What is Aliiza? I need to think about this whole thing.

Ahsoka: Don't you think your over thinking? I doubt there's anything big going on here--

Y/N: --That's just it, only the narrow minded would see that, choosing to move on, I know better, this is the sith's doing, they want war, they need this chaos to survive me....

Aliiza: Okay... a little over the edge there don't you think Boss?

HK: You can never go wrong with a good threat, perhaps sending a message by eradicating the separatist leadership might be a good start?

Ahsoka: You can't be serious?! They're still good people there!

HK: Does that make us the bad people then Jedi? Because the irony is that--

Y/N: HK, enough, Even if we did kill the senators, Dooku would just replace them and use their deaths as propaganda, Killing Dooku himself though would be an eye opener for them...

Ahsoka: Y/N, there's no killing Dooku, even then, the Council would want him alive, not dead--

I cut her off by slamming my hand down on the com table, not enough to break it, but enough to make the two girls jump a little, I then turn to Ahsoka.

Y/N: The council won't be stopping me from ending him if I get my hand on him, weather they like it or not, same goes for the Sith lord in control.

Ahsoka: Okayyy, maybe we should take a step back from all this "Sith lord" business?

Aliiza: I agree, Maybe we should do something else than, maybe we could try and--

Just as she was about to suggest something, the com table started to light up, Aliiza stopped and looked at it and huffed in annoyance.

Aliiza: Damn it, can't we get a break?!?

Ahsoka: Doesn't look like it.

I answer the com table, which displays Mace windu, Anakin, Obi-wan and Plo koon, I fold my arms as I look at them

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