Chapter 14: Flowing tears of the young

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Zooming across the sandy lands towards our next destination, I swung my lead to signal the greater scorpion that led our way towards the Holy Kingdom to go faster. Feeling the rope against its chitin, it sped up, speeding across the sand as it maneuvered with its multiple legs. My eyes were set on getting there as fast as possible since it was where Eden was taking Amy to.

While this occurred, Gardenia sat behind in the bumpy ride, flipping over a grimoire in search of useful spells she could cast during our rescue and each time she finds something remotely relevant to the topic, she would note it down into the expansive mind of hers. Not many things stood in our way other than the occasional sandstone boulders and cacti as there was reason for this as well.

Greater scorpions are one of the top predators in the area and some may even assume it is the apex of this desert. Not even the illustrious Walking Dead would approach it, since it's venomous would bring out unbearable pain towards to victim. Combined with nimble movements, it's widely sought out for and bred to use in transportation.

Thinking back into the interrogation room, I mentally noted a few oddities from the assassin's information. Even recalling the conversation back, I couldn't really believe the very words that came out of the mouth of hers...




As Xernes held onto a magical lantern and lead the way for us down a corridor. It was dark and damp to the point that you could barely see light coming from the small windows of each cell. Shuffling sand away with the soles of my shoes, I could hear small critters skittering around the premises just shy away from our field of vision. Other than the occasional squeaking of mice and the pitter-patter of their tiny feet, we met with his attendant who had been waiting for us to arrive.

"Has she come to her senses yet? I hope you didn't rough her up too bad." Xernes smiled as he lightly of the situation he was in.

"She has thought it wasn't as hard of a nut to crack as I thought. She didn't really have much loyalty to the syndicate and give in after a couple of simple torturing techniques. You can speak to her now and she'll answer. I already made the negotiations of letting her off into the upper sections of the main prison if she complied with us." He said as he began to take out a chain of keys to unlock it.

There behind chains she was seated on a chair already upon us walking in. She wore light clothing and from her wrist, I could tell she was chained and administered a set of torture. With her cloak now taken off, I noticed she had dull-yellowish colour hair that reached to her shoulders. With a tired expression, it took her a second to register I was sitting in front of her and upon realizing the face, she raised her arms for defence.

"...What are you really... You look human but... that aura, it feels like something only the strongest of demons would have..." She asked as she grasped both of her hands together to warm herself; the room's coldness settling into her body.

"I'm a vampire, but it doesn't matter right now. Tell me where Eden is taking Amy, I need to get her back before anything bad and drastic happens." I told her as I leaned my head forward to strike slight intimidation.

"The Holy Kingdom... He's headed towards the Holy Kingdom near the demon continent. There's another thing you should know too... He intends to invade the Slumbering Woods in search of something and that child you're after, I'm afraid he's going to use her as bait to bring out the second commander of the demon king's army, Arial Olivia the Vampire Queen..." She said, spilling out each little detail as if she had nothing to lose.

"The Vampire Queen? Why would Amy be... Wait could she be the daughter of that demon?" I thought carefully as I turned to look at the floor and contemplate the words she spoke.

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