Chapter 34: The Third Commander

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He flipped through hundreds of pages that were contained in the ridiculously thick book, he soon found what he was looking for as the book was flipped to the final few pages of it. What he then came to see was a section of pages of spells he had collected himself across many continents. Each one of the spells was of an eighth tier or higher and they usually were complex to the point they fell into irrelevancy due to the current standards of spell-casters and the ridiculous mana cost it required. Only passed down through old texts and from generations of mages, every spell you could ever think of now came to be stored in the book he held.

In the book of five-hundred pages, the page landed onto page four hundred and sixty-six where the commander came to see the name of the spell in bold text along with a small description written down right next to it. Towards the sky, he could already see Julius's had already been completed and surely whatever would come would result in great catastrophe if nothing was done. Though what he had on edge against the absurdly powerful mage was the arsenal he had built up through his years of data collection and spell memorization, he knew exactly what spell would be coming next.

He quickly started his chant without hesitation and as a serpent-like being filled with mana and rage charged straight to the vulnerable commander. As the book he held hovered to his side, he slammed his hand onto the stone pillar to his left and completed his chant as the spell cast straight towards him was approaching at a rapid rate. Ambroze's eyes glowed of gold as he faced Julius eye to eye and with only a second between him and his demise, the spell came successfully with the very mana filled within the pillar beside him fueling the spell he had in mind.

"Rise, rise! I call upon the great spirits of nature and commend thee to bring about the carnage. Of the roots that stem from the great trees of the world, I bring forth the strengths of thee... Eighth-tier spell, Nature's Wrath!" Ambroze commanded as the pillar to the next of him collapsed under its weight for the mana that once was kept within was what held its very form.

Holding his hand straight towards where Julius remained hovering around the skies, tens of enormous tree roots shot into the skies and straight through the threatening serpent as if it were just a simple obstacle. Like electricity, they zipped through the skies at such an astonishing speed, that it would be tiring to even observe how they moved. Each individual root stretched as far as it could reach to capture and strike the mage. The very spell left Julius speechless for he wanted to see more incredible spells being performed by his opponent. Flying across the skies, he brazenly dodge through gaps created by the sentient plants themselves, and in a couple of movements, he came to fly far enough where the spell would be ineffective.

"What an amazing spell! Not a single mage back in my continent could even begin to compare with what you had done to counter a spell of my own! I am truly impressed I must say, though I think it wouldn't be fair if I didn't even fight back in the slightest... Here's a spell I think that might tickle your fancy since I'll be spicing it up a bit. Oh, am I begging to see what you'll do~" He said in a maniacal tone as he compared this intense battle to that of a game in his mind?

A green flame appeared in the palms of his hand at first, and soon it turned to that blue, then orange, and finally, it came to an intense red that could only be described as a volcanic red. The small flame as tiny as it looked, quickly grew in size as its full firepower was put on display, and in the next moment, Julius concentrated on what he wanted the flame to become. He stared straight into the fire's glare and as his eyes came to be closed, multiple daggers of moderate sizes then came to be shaped beside him.

With the dagger of flames hovering to the side of him, he started the demonstration of the spell he was dying to be used by first holding it up high into the skies while closing a small distance between himself and the commander. Towards the perspective of Ambroze, he could only assume that it was an original spell created by the mage himself for he couldn't recognize it, and the very fact he was able to fully bring out such a complex spell only contributed towards this possibility. Though as he continued to control Nature's Wrath, he could defend himself with it since he didn't know what that spell did.

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