Chapter 35: The pinnacle of spell casting

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Her fists felt numb from her constantly hitting the metal blades that came her way, but the act of hitting them was far easier than her training back during her training days. Yet it was the problem that the sheer quantity and speed they were flying at that made it magnitudes harder for her to take care of them, leaving most of the battle being her dodging from different positions and blindspots she could just barely acknowledge.

For what situation she and the others found themselves in, she was only a couple of buildings away from the source of this whole mess, Rosemary. Yet with everything going on, she couldn't even make past down the street to confront her directly without coming out like a porcupine. A couple of steps away were Gardenia and Arthur sticking to their backs while they dealt with the blades however they could though it didn't seem like they could take much more of the pressure being put onto them.

Fed up with the annoying swords that flew her way and blocked her path of fighting their enemy directly, she was just then about to lash out in anger though right as she was at the tip of her boiling point, someone sounded out a short distance away. There she heard Vendrick and Henson call out towards them which stopped her momentarily from going through with what she was doing. Knocking a couple of blades aback, she came to be able to look in their direction as her back was pinned onto a wall.

"Trixie! Gardenia! Arthur! I'm glad you guys are still alright... Where's Rosemary right now!?" I quickly blurted out as the both of us assisted with the struggle they were facing.

"Argh, she's up ahead but that's not the major issue right now! The people of the kingdom, they're getting slaughtered by the second! How did the two of you even get here unscathed, I saw you being swarmed by a multitude of blades shortly before we got separated!" Trixie said aloud and right as she let her guard down, Henson pushed her a step back before we knocked away one of the swords that was on the other side of the building burrowing through the concrete.

"These things just don't know when to give up no matter what. The thing is we found out how to deal with these blades when we were being attacked by them. Not deal with them, but actually, come to destroy them permanently. It's just that, what we'll have to do is have them exit a certain range away from the source itself in which they grow weaker the further they are, yet there is something that has them reluctant when it comes to this, we'll need to have them brought out by force." I explained quickly in which Trixie smiled in response.

"By force huh, seems like you've found my specialty for these types of things. I'll tell you what, I'll gather as much as I can and you three prepare something that can get them destroyed in one go! As for what you should do in getting them out of this certain range you speak of, I'll have you figure it out yourself!" She said with a smile as she realized they could actually do something about this and finally break the standstill they were in.

"What about Lambrie and the others? Aren't they too in danger from these blades?" Arthur spoke out as an image of Amy popped up in his head suddenly when the two of us were conversing.

"Lambrie? I wouldn't worry about too much you if I were you, that man you see, he's a lot more capable than what meets the eye... He's not the brother of the king for nothing, I'm sure he'll be fine but just in case, I'll be sure to circle around the perimeter to explain the situation we're in. If there's nothing else, then I'll be seeing you guys soon! You'll know the signal when it comes, just be prepared for anything!" She said and soon, the rambunctious one took off without hesitation with close to twenty blades following her and more to count as she went.

With what was said settled, we began to wonder what we could do for this plan to work. Suddenly as we processed through what we currently had, a wave of swords came flooding into the area without any warning. A number surpassing thirty suddenly was coming straight to us with the intention to kill right then and there. And with further insight, it seemed they were coming at a faster speed than before, the very fact meant only one thing: Rosemary was suddenly coming closer to where we are.

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