Chapter 26: Wills as strong as steel

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In the middle of a crowded road where countless people were crossing through, I had to squeeze through the gaps people in order to keep up with the blue demon who was walking further away from me; the backpack which I carried around not helping the fact it was constantly hitting the people around me. Eventually, I came to make it through and emerging from it, I found myself in front of a tall and large building that looked old enough to be threatening to fall down from the bricks that were holding it up.

Up ahead where the woman waited for me to walk into the open doors, I accidentally came to step into a puddle, soaking my right shoes in a dark and murky water that had be shake the street water off. Digressing from the fact that I had slightly wet socks, I walked towards Sandra who saw the entire thing happen; the smirk in her mouth embarrassed my very sense of pride.

"This building... Is this supposed to be your headquarters? I figured it'd be something more luxurious considering the person at the top was a commander. It's quite an old building compared to the other ones around here, is it not?" I questioned her, noticing demons walking out donned in armour and weapons.

"Well, about that. We are certainly the ones who have authority over this kingdom since the lands belong to Miss Trixie herself, though our funds have been pretty tight lately. Things keep being allocated to other projects every now and then turning to the point of having to use this place as our temporary base of operations. Come in now, I wouldn't want to keep you waiting right now." She explained, walking straight into the building as she went straight towards the counter at the back of the first floor.

"Director Sandra you're back! Have you found the commander or is she still absent? I have heard she has entered back in the kingdom however there wasn't another word mentioned from that since. What could have kept her from coming back towards us..." A slim and well-kept vampire spoke from behind it, his clothing making his whole look more proper and elegant.

"I still haven't seen her too. Though I have met this guy over here, he told me he's been in contact with her up until a day ago. Seems like she's made some new friends while she was out... Though don't go trusting him quite yet, there's something about his scent that's making me put my guard around this man... He's certainly not a weak individual." She told her, lowering her tone in the last part where she spoke of me while leaning in to whisper behind his ear.

"Then why's he here in the first place? Isn't taking someone as suspicious as him in here a bit too risky? We should have him stay outside for the time being until we find Miss Trixie!" He replied, exclaiming the fact that someone potentially dangerous was in the vicinity of him.

"I can't just leave him outside while we get back to looking for her, just trust me for now. I'll figure something out until we hear some news of him..." She told him with a finger to her mouth, telling her to act normal for the time being.

Turning back to face me, she promptly guided me towards the rooms of the building where I would then be toured around as if I were a guest personally invited by the commander herself. It occurred to me that it was quite strange for a person like me who was just met was being taken to see the facilities of the room, though as I continued along with her plans, I decided that I would just follow along seeing as how I came to be curious of the imp's dormant power she was holding in for the perfect time it could be unleashed.

From the first to the fifth floor, I saw the workers push themselves diligently in completing abundant paperwork that was assigned towards them and soon as we came to the final floor, I was met with a sign atop a door labelled as Trixie's room.

"Here we are at Trixie's room, please try not to touch anything inside, there are a lot of items I think she would get quite irritated if were moved." She told me as she turned the knob, the bronze hinges turning as the door was pushed in; the very movement moved with ease as apparent with the recently oiled parts.

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