Chapter 39: His Eternal Curse

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Gusts of winds howled in the skies pushed away the white clouds that gathered in the place far above that of the palace. The clashing of steel could be heard in a harmonious tone as they sounded in intervals of the same frequency. The leaves of plants that sat by the sidelines wavered and moved with each hit of metal that was made and through it, the noise came to centralize in the middle of a small training g, where two individuals came to be spotted training like their lives depended on it.

"Focus my friend! You have to hone your mind to the point where this becomes natural for you. It is an intricate technique and when you run out of blood, I'll have my mages supply healing magic back into the body of yours..." Christan told me as if this sort of training was the norm for him; my weighted breathing being all I could hear aside from his cheers and advice.

"Haah... This is absurd... How would you even manage this technique? I'm going to faint from blood loss at this rate..." I said aloud as my blood dripped off my own blood; the steel sword I held felt heavier than before as I came to feel anemic.

There, standing in the middle of the training grounds, I stood upright while holding my sword where a light layer of blood covered the surface of the blade. The demon king was currently training my proficiency with the utilization of blood magic that no regular vampire would be able to do. The reason was that only royals could use this form effectively in a combat scenario. The one other person who stood before me was Christan; his arms across as he guided me to inherit the techniques of the late Queen of Vampires. 

As if the training wasn't hard enough, my mental strength was deteriorating by the second and as my focus slipped once more, the blood that held on the blade fell onto the grass. The pearls of red fell atop the blades of green and into the brown soil it had rooted upon. As my vision came to be too blurred and my both not to be working as properly as I wanted, I fell forward, only to be caught by my collar and pulled off the sight lines as a healer came into the picture.

"Sigh,.. I think your approach to this is quite sudden. To transition from one thing to another, you're bound to make many mistakes in the meantime. Though in your case, you aren't progressing as fast as I would predict, maybe this is what meant to learn young..." Christan commented as he sat by my limp body with a smirk on his face looking towards me.

"You know... I don't think these remarks are really helping when all the advice I get is to focus and concentrate... Are you sure your friend Alice learned this technique from training with you alone? To get such a thin layer of blood to hang onto the steel of the blade, she must've been quite the prodigy to be able to manage such things..." I commented as I moved my arm to my eyes to shield the sun from blinding me.

"Hmm, I guess Alice was usually the type to catch onto things quickly, but there is no use comparing yourself with another person. What you need is more practice and practical demonstrations, not that there is anyone who can show you the ropes. Anyways, I'll be heading off for now in the meanwhile, this will be the end of the training session for today." He told me as he stood up and started making his way out of the training grounds and downstairs to where he had other matters to attend to.

All left was the healer and myself and as my eyes gradually began to shift towards the helper, I came to notice that she wasn't a succubi like the rest of the demons I came to see. Instead, she seemed more akin to that of Lambrie aside from the fact she held a bluish tone of skin than that of his red. Soon, as she finished up her healing, I was advised to rest for a couple of minutes if I intended to continue on my training seeing as how stamina won't recover through the act of healing. Getting up on my two feet, I took a few steps into the shade and sat under the tree where the light could not reach.

Towards the skies, I watched the clouds move and as I held onto the sword gifted by the commander, a figure came walking towards the next of me. Looking up, there stood Ambroze walking awkwardly with an inscrutable look on his face. I found his expression to be puzzling, not the fact I hadn't seen this expression of his before but of why he was making such a look at me. Without a word spoken, he sat down beside me and looked towards a tower in the distance that was connected to the building we were on.

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