Chapter 76: Fitting Death for the Terrible

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The flying javelin that shot forth from one side of the kingdom to the other looked more like a blur than anything visible. It zipped through the skies, piercing through the winds as if it had no friction, and like a thunderbolt, it struck straight at its target that being the creature that didn't belong to a world like this. It struck and penetrated straight through the beast, knocking it aback at such force it was brought off its feet to then crash onto the northern walls behind it. The sheer impact of its body colliding with the stone base nearly destroyed the structure through but with the inner support within the walls, it held on just barely.

The dust that flew from the crash shot up into the sky and the rubble that followed continued its path while wreaking havoc on whatever was nearby its vicinity. The dragon who had its mind taken over by the corruption of the god of darkness screamed in pain and agony, shrieking as its chest was suddenly struck through and pinned toward the walls it was leaning upon. It tried releasing an insurmountable of tentacles to relieve it of its suffering yet while they managed to wrap around the javelin spell, the inner workings of the ice spell began taking effect, freezing whatever was in contact with it.

The chest of the creature turned to ice and the tentacles that had a firm grasp upon the protruding spell froze over; the tentacles beneath were encased in ice and soon shattering as the creature's excessive motions of lashing out led them to breaking. It tried moving and moving yet that only led to the increase of pain as cracks formed in its body though under all of this, the wounds slowly began to heal and before long, it would stand up tall once more to continue its disastrous march to the end of the kingdom it was standing within.

It tried rising bit by bit, waiting until the cracks were healed and immediately continuing its advances, and with its instinctual mind, it began to seek out where the attack had come from for its beastly thoughts had it track the one behind its agony.

"My my~ Commendable work indeed, he's quite the talent in magic, isn't he? To think he got it on his first try... Though with everything at stake like this, it is expected he'd give it his all. Now that everything's set, it's time for the second to final act of commencing, the spell we've all been anticipating... Eighth-tiered spell, Imitation of the World Tree!" She called out as the ritualistic circle imbued with magic beneath her glowed an ominous red, the borrowing of power from another being drawn out to form the magic she had in mind.

The spell was weaker in comparison to the spell she threw into the battlefield behind her yet it was of no issue. Even at half its original strength, it'd withhold more than enough to buy enough time for the rest to take care of. She motioned her hands and directed the branches to move according to what she had in mind. The conjure that was quickly cast forth took effect immediately, the sprouting of countless roots and branches shot up from down beneath, erupting up and latching on the limbs of the abominable creature without leaving the slightest gap for escape. It was completely restrained and with every struggle, the dragon felt the tightening of the spectacular spell upon its body to the point of crushing.

The agonizing feeling of being slowly crushed, any creature with a sane mind would have turned crazy by now with how each and every fiber of its body being turned to mush. With their senses clouded by the fact how their nerves are put to their extreme and as the dragon held on to dear life while its scales broke apart and its body split with blood running down its already ruined form, it screamed once again, this time even louder than it had when it was pierced through with the javelin. The disparity in its mind to claw its way out of such an intensive circumstance led to its eventual lashing of every limb as it cared for not if even its own body is torn apart to get out of the mess it has found itself stuck within.

As a branch suddenly extended up its neck to then cover its very eyes, the dragon which still somewhat retained the mind of the original host was suddenly reminded of a memory. The memories of where it was but a hatchling and how prior to its hatching it was stuck in absolute darkness, unable to escape due to its lack of strength and its undeveloped self. The helpless situation in which he couldn't do anything, the sense of dire need of assistance as the claustrophobic dragon made cries of help heard by no one.

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