Chapter 68: Expressionless Swordsman

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His head felt oddly dizzy as his eyes were met with the gruesome scene before him. He couldn't believe his eyes at what was happening and at that moment, his mind wondered and pondered just what had happened during the time it took for her to get here.

"W-Wha... Fred-... How could... this be..." He voiced out while stumbling backward from the body of a person he once knew; the subtle movements of his feet leading him to trip upon a pebble that stuck out from the dirt.

Eden promptly fell into the grass patch as soon as he noticed the corpse of the child and based on what he saw, he started to gag and immediately threw up beside him. He couldn't handle a scene like that just yet and though he had just witnessed the body of his closest companion, he needed to get out of there as fast as he could for if the beast that had previously killed him would surely know of his presence in the premises. One thing was for sure and it was the fact of how it attacked the child, it wasn't doing this merely for survival.

Eden attempted to stand up and while he was in the middle of getting up from the grass floor, he felt a hot breath blow behind the back of his neck. He remained still like a statue, not moving an inch or rather, he couldn't move at all as his body froze up in response to the sudden appearance of something so threatening it brought every limb of his body to a stopping halt. His breath stopped during this and as the creature growled at him, he turned his head toward the creature as he shrieked and what he saw had his heart sink into a bottomless pit. A creature large enough to match the height of an adult and fur of red and white; an indicator telling that it shouldn't be messed with. What's more, was the six eyes it had with three on each side along with teeth so sharp it could cut through stone itself.

His sudden movement quickly incited the attack from the beast and with one swing of its frontal paw, it launched the human child across the field; his back hitting the base of a tall tree. He spat out blood from the impact as his organs quickly came to be damaged from the immediate strike. He could barely move and right then, he saw the corpse of his supposed friend once more where he then envied his deceased self as he didn't need to suffer from whatever the demonic creature before him was inflicting. Turning to the other direction, where he found the blade once more and though it did seem like a feasible approach, what could it do in the face of such danger?

He wanted to succumb to the fate before him, to be mauled to death and allow the foreign earth to take his body whole. He couldn't do anything anyway and awaiting his own death, he was suddenly met with a voice of somebody. There he was recalled back to the nightmare he was in and before him was a shadowy image of an adult face to face at him. He was looking down at the child as if he was looking and assessing what was before him right then. Eden was confused as to what was happening but as he saw the person face his right, there he could see the current present then of the wolf-like abomination slowly approaching his, ready to finish off its prey at any moment.

They both watched the scene slowly occur and right then, the child figured he was already in the afterlife looking back at how he died as if it were a sick joke of occurrence from the heavens above showing the last moments of how he had perished in the mortal realm, devoid of any hope and help from the gods. But that was not what it was and as the adult figure crouched down to meet him eye to eye and set one of his hands on the child's shoulder, he then started to speak to him.

"You who yearn and ask why fate has brought this upon you. You who resent the disastrous life unfairly brought upon you... In a life where fate has already picked out how it would pass, it would seem that you drew the short straw of the bunch. Though fate itself does not intertwine with what befalls you in the future, fate is interchangeable, it is something tangible and all that is left for you to change is to destroy the system itself. Destroy it all, kill all that stands in your way, and break apart the world... Let not anyone govern your world and at the end of the road, there you shall be met with your desired fate..." The odd figure said, sounding both malicious and promising toward the small child who knew no better.

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