Chapter 36: The truth behind her crooked smiles

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Stepping onto the hot sizzling floor of a land of heat and nothing else, he looked to his right to see a burnt tree and to his left to see a large expanse of land that stretched far out into the distance. There, he could still spot a small inkling of the greenery of the forest of where he came and as his eyes turned to see in front of him, he faced forwards to see a building standing atop what many would call a desolate wasteland. He started walking and right as he did, a voice called out towards him that he knew all too well. It was a voice not of the evil god he followed, but one of another follower that praise the very same deity that guides the Hero.

"Eden... Seems like you've come to finally acquire the transformation... Though for you to personally walk straight into my domain, you must have a death wish, one that even for an old friend like you I would not even allow... If what you have to say isn't worth my time, then you best walk back from whence you came~" A very deep and heavy voice spoke, and from what he could hear, a blow of wind followed after the transmission of the message faded.

"Hmph, it seems he's as arrogant as ever... No matter, I won't be spending much time here anyways. Let's pay him a visit then since there is in fact something I'd like to tell him..." Eden said to himself as he began to traverse through the force field around the lands and over towards the ashen lands.

Stepping atop what seemed to be burnt grass and browned leaves, he came to see a dead carcass with little remnants of its rotted flesh along with a slightly burnt smell that had him gagging as he passed by it. Looking around the place, he thought towards him he had already destroyed this place in the span of a year. This part of the demon continent wasn't an area like the rest, for it was naturally gifted with greenery and beautiful landscapes. Though what had brought this place to its desolate space was the introduction of the great Dragon, Naypaulm. A being that has recently become a hot topic since Eden and his companions discovered it only years back.

Over towards a large stone structure, he came to see the lined carvings of marble outside alongside large burning torches atop pillars along the path that took into the main structure of the area. Approaching the entrance, he came to notice a handful of draconian suited in expensive armor along with swords and shields they held onto as the guardsman of this place.

"Halt! You must be Eden the Hero, an acquaintance of the greater lord if I'm correct? It seems that even the great one takes his liking to beings as lowly as humans. Why don't you just leave this haven of ours, it isn't like someone as unworthy as a species of yours could even begin to chat with the one we praise-" The arrogant and prideful guard spoke as he displayed his strong and burly figure towards Eden, yet as he got too close, a shadow of sort moved at such speed he couldn't even register before it was already millimeters away from his head.

"Stop this at once! Just let that idiot through, I highly advise you thoughtless children to stay clear of that man. He's hundreds of times greater than what appears to you, weaklings..." A voice sounded out from within the building, stopping Eden in his tracks as a huge shockwave blew over the draconian, breaking his eardrums the impact was supposed to hit but largely left him unharmed.

Mystified by what had occurred the one who had insulted the human with features of the devil now sat on the edge of the stairway with a shocked expression; the compatriots next to him attempting to help him out in his bewildered state. Proceeding onwards, not one more being made even one step in his way until he came to eventually meet a more slender and well-mannered draconian donned in a different set of clothing; the dress the individual wore seemingly told she was more of an attendant than that of a guard and fighter.

Without uttering a single word, she began to escort the guest to where the master was and before long, he came to see his magnificent figure atop a large platform where mountains of treasure laid. His scaled body reflected the light from the well-lit rooms and his large figure only added to the gratifying scene Eden saw many years before. Adjusting his hand to better reach for the weapon on his back, the dragon looked towards the lowly human before it with its lizard-like eyes; the very iris adjusting to focus onto the small creature compared to its size.

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