Chapter 58: Messenger and Advancements

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He reached down and picked up a crate full of metallic objects that clattered around within the box, he quickly stood up to then began bringing them into the armory in the facility. Though it was a cold day, he could feel the laborious workload that he was given leading him to sweat as if it were summer. Yet the watery set only added toward the freezing temperature of winter and it didn't help a single bit of all the wool clothing he wore to ward off the coolness. He wondered how long this war would go on and when he be able to rest once more within the center cities where his relatives and family stayed.

It was in everyone's mind, the time they wanted this war to stop so that they would enjoy a peaceful life once more within the confines of their cozy homes. However, after hearing about the recent defeat in the far main fortress, they wondered if the kingdom could even defeat an army that ran through them in but a single day. Putting his mind off the topic to focus on his work, he walked up the steps, and right as he was about to open the door to place the crate inside, he looked toward his right to see a fellow soldier looking blankly into the beyond, his eyes wide open and staring out like that of a thousand-yard stare.

He looked like he was from the unit that barely survived and came back from the fortress and right then, he wondered if the man had come back with trauma seeing the horrors of war. It wouldn't be the most uncommon of stories to see a demon coming back with symptoms of fear toward the scenes of death and fallen comrades, but it isn't as apparent of an illness compared to other species that are more susceptible to these sorts of feelings. Adjusting the heavy create he carried, he was just about to walk over to ask if his fellow soldier was alright but before then, the door before him opened to see the leading superior with an annoyed expression.

"Jared! What's taking you so long out there, we're lacking equipment for the left-wing units! Don't just stand there and laze around, get in there, a meeting's about to take place tomorrow and we wouldn't want to get behind schedule in the armory." She scolded the soldier, ushering him to get in quickly without a second to give an excuse for his absence of time.

Yet right before he got in, he took one last glance outside to his right and he now found the man to be missing without any trace of where he had gone. Dismissing it, he wondered what could have happened to that man and if he'd come to be the same as he was if he was there on the battlefield...




"Sigh... How did we fall so low, to think we came from being at the top of the top as captains of a kingdom? Warriors who would do anything for their kingdom and defend it for all of their lives, to now inmates in these cells waiting to rot away! Oh my dearest Samantha, I truly apologize for allowing ourselves to be captured and brought to this state~" Nyxia spoke, holding the skull of his lover while Ash watched the scene unfold with an irritated expression.

"Seriously, I'm going to break out of these restraints and choke you out if you keep dawdling over that skull of yours. You've been talking like that for the past FIVE FUCKING HOURS!" She yelled out as she kicked her feet up in the air, her tail snapping at Nyxia who didn't pay a second of attention to her warnings.

"Hey quiet up in there! You both should be glad that you're still alive. If it weren't for our king, you'd all be staked and burned as a sign of our victory. But it is only because of our merciful and benevolent ruler that he allowed you all to retain that life of yours. Be thankful you filthy Desvanians, your people are greatly scorned in this kingdom." A guard spoke as he walked out the door his break time was nearing and shifts were beginning to rotate toward the next set of guards who managed the cells.

The metallic door snapped into its lock and silence poured over the place. It was only the two who were down in this place and Ash was already starting to become impatient of being kept in this place for this long. A day had fully passed already and as she leaned against the stone walls to rest her head, she glanced once toward Nyxia who was whispering something to the creepy skull he kept, and looked elsewhere to kill time; her pink irises directed toward the door to the right of the room that led outside yet was rarely opened.

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