Chapter 73: Turning The Tides of War

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Her feet were starting to strain from all the running, the soles of her feet that wore heeled shoes starting to redden as she started to near her destination. The burning lung was scarce of air followed up by the freezing atmosphere of the rain, she was nearing her breaking point but still couldn't give up, not while she still had a task to be fulfilled. The three of them had formed a plan, one made to stop the doom of the kingdom and while she had her eyes taped on the road ahead of her, she heard noises of conflict and taking cover to peek, she suddenly recalled the plan made by Vendrick and relied on them.

Everyone was given a specific part they needed to cover and with the weakest link, Lestling, given the task of informing Ambroze, the task that was left to her was inevitably difficult. She had to run the same amount forth but instead of simply relaying the plan to another person, she had to act on her own, and with the item in hand, she was starting to worry whether she could accomplish it or not. Her hands gripped the metallic device in her bag and quickly shrugging it off, she peeked over to view the commotion a couple of meters away for herself.

She didn't want to give her cover away and face a threat she couldn't handle alone, thus she used the method of simply observing before action. Her eyes moved to the edge of a building and taking full view of the mostly dark scene, she unmistakably found two of the very individuals she had been most acquainted with throughout her time spent in the Kingdom of Hekald. There toward the small arena-like battlefield was Lambrie and Riley holding it out against what appears to be a group of rogue invading Dragonborn who had infiltrated under the nose of the front line soldiers.

The two seemed to be cornered, facing off two against five warriors with no intentions of backing down nor the slightest hint of mercy toward their unfortunate opponents. Branding their mass-produced blades, they made their advance like a predator toward their prey; terribly ugly smiles and smirks facing their foes while they approached one slow step at a time. They savored the anxiety and fear of their counterparts as Lambrie, a warlock who only had strength in spell casting at mid to long-range distance, and Riley, whose expertise lay in the equipment that she didn't have on hand at the current moment.

They were but seconds away from meeting their end and as the young inventor looked over behind one of the Dragonborn, her eyes focused upon her backpack that contained her inventions of self-defense. At that moment, it was do or die and without any other way of getting out alive, she took a leap of faith. Charging forth unprecedentedly, she knocked one of the warriors aback; her small stature and quick-witted evasion barely scraping by an unplanned swing of a blade, formed only through instinct which only managed to make a small cut on her shoulder.

She managed to touch her bag with her fingertips but before she could utilize what was inside properly, her eyes tracked the falling motion of a blade, careening toward her without stopping. The swing of the blade moved in a spectacular motion, but it was far from graceful, an attack driven only by brute strength with no set line to brush it by. She was afraid of what would happen next, the split second she looked onward her imminent death loomed before her all the while she had her memories flashed before her eyes.

She was an orphan, abandoned in the Kingdom of Tifal and raised within the faction of Timur where she took up her profession as an ingenious inventor many would look up towards. But at that very moment, she feared her life would end right there, fallen in the conflict of a battle she wasn't ready to fully commit herself to as situations roped her into her current predicament. She wanted to cry and wet herself amongst the rain that poured down as she was too young to experience life to its fullest.

She watched the glint of the blade, the motion of swing, and the arm movements of the warrior's action but just before it hit to kill, sudden bolts of magic missiles shot forth, piercing through the hearts of the fearless combatants and quickly homed toward the ones who were still within the proximity. A low-tier spell cast with such speeds without notice, she instantly knew who it was, and turning her head around as the men fell, there she saw Gardenia still panting with exhaustion from her marathon-long run. 

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