Chapter 66: The Fall of The Eastern Forces

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Explosions blasted left and right, their spontaneous arrivals of destruction seemingly deriving out of nowhere as the smoke filled the battlefield, letting not a single soul peak through the constant carnage. Screams were passed by the fields though most were largely unheard as loud bangs and clashes of blades had already deafened those who fought on. There looked to be no end to the bloodshed of the place yet that was soon ended in the hands of one that could overpower the bloodlust shared amongst those in the middle of the battle.

There she walked past those that have fallen and those who begged to see another day of light. She cared not for the lives around her whether friend or foe, she needn't discriminate against those who happen to just stand in her way of attack. She smelled the familiar scent of the thick viscous blood that was spilled around the once white battlefield and while she breathed through the harsh cold weather, she drew all seven blades and in a flashy motion, commanded six to spin around her as she prepared to attack.

She had made her decision to intervene upon receiving the green light from Eden to engage, yet she had already decided that she was soon to throw herself into the fight whether or not the former hero allowed her to do so. Nonetheless, she now gained the justified reason to fight and with a crooked smile only a mother could love, she looked forth at the soldiers who braved through the enemy front lines; her brain full of the dopamine she needed to obliterate those unfortunate victims who had brought themselves to fight in a wrong place at the wrong time.

Blades flew and bolted forth, each piercing right through whatever they hit and striking whoever was nearest. It was a terrifying moment to those who stood but even meters away from the effective range of the attack, for they knew not who would become to next victim of the blades that could kill them in less than a second. Panic soon pushed forth as everyone came to run away and in that moment came a person who dared stand with her head high and resolve set.

"Sister... You truly have gone too far now... You had all the chances to surrender yourself yet you now have gone so far as to kill those who only want peace for their kingdoms. How many have you slain? How many with their innocent lives cut off short, how many who couldn't even see their children grow, and how many who cried out for mercy..." A voice called out in the middle of the battlefield; the light shining through the clouds of smoke to reveal or fierce expression and white and yellow clothing that told of her position.

"Varissa... You're quite bold to show yourself... You too had all the chances to stop me back then when you could, yet you only watched me getting bullied, attacked, and hit without any support. How many instances did you see me faced with such humiliation, how many times did you simply look the other way as if you cared not for what my very life meant to you? I can remember clearly each instance where you only passed by me, not uttering a single word as if I were not your sibling. Be honest with me, you did that because of mother, didn't you..." She said with a full frown facing the ground as her blades still swooped around the two killing those that approached while her grip on the main sword only tightened with each second that passed.

"That... That was the past Rosemary... Back then, I couldn't help but see you in a different light. That day when you killed Mother, your smile haunted me each day, leading to my inability to do anything in fear that you possess what frightens me dearly..." The saint admitted, holding a hand to her heart as she recalled herself doing such unforgivable acts in the past.

"BULLSHIT, YOU SAY THAT YET YOU ALWAYS SCORNED OF MY EXISTENCE... Never did I intend to kill Mother back then, never did I want to have such an expression back then... You act as if my child self was a bloodthirsty murderer and as you stand before me thinking your acts are justified, you're hypocritical of the suffering you gave to people. You... you, shall die before my very hands and this time, I'll make you receive the very pain I had felt back then..." She said, her eyes full of tears to the point one may have thought she was undergoing the feelings of the passing of someone dear to them.

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