Chapter 64: Inspiration and Final Warnings

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He looked out the window and there, he watched over hundreds to thousands of his people pushing supplies toward the front of the kingdom walls and many scrambling for last-minute preparations and final touches toward their initial plan. Everything would be settled before nightfall but they couldn't wait that long, not when they had already appeared before them and were setting up their reinforcements while they were still in their preparation phase. Yet nothing could be done about this, not when they had such few deadlines they needed to meet, and all he could do right this moment was to depend on everything to go as well as they would.

Christan closed the curtains of his room, blocking away the sun that brightened his room as he wanted it dim to think about what he'd be doing from this point on. He couldn't fight on the front lines, that was a given considering his condition. Even if he did dare approach the battlefield to attack the invading army that outnumbered all of his force, he'd only interfere with what was planned and in the end, only stir up more trouble and become a nuisance that could ultimately hinder their progress.

He wanted to punch himself in the face for getting that injured during his fight, and as he recalled his battle, he could point out some of the mistakes made during it and how if he could adjust them now, he would've been able to escape out of his past conundrum with much fewer wounds. Though the past couldn't be taken back now as how everything is and upon sitting on his chair, he looked toward the ceiling to ponder once again what he'd do.

He felt the wind from the open window blow in and circulate through the room, the short breeze hovering and flying through to then hit his face where he felt a slight shiver coming from it. He shook from the gentle cold wind, something he wouldn't have felt if he was in his full strength yet here he is in his weakened form being affected by such small influences. It only demoralized him further but just as he felt the problem, he slapped himself in the face, trying to wake himself up from his depressive state as he fully knew that if his morale was low, then so would the people and the army he rules over.

A knock then suddenly sounded and as Christan replied to it allowing for entry, Ambroze walked in with a slightly serious yet dire expression on his face; his serious expression was a common sight on his face yet the dire hint of it showed him a side of his commander that he wouldn't want to push further into. Anxiety was building up throughout the kingdom and pushing the worry further would only lead to more panic as one pondered what would come in the next few hours that was to come soon. The mage walked into the room with a pile of paper and as he promptly set them down by his Highness, he took a breath in, tired from the constant work and stress he had been put in for the previous couple of weeks.

"Your Highness, here are the documents you wanted and as for the meeting we called out to everyone, they're soon to arrive with most already gathering outside the lobby near the meeting room." Ambroze quickly spoke while his gaze started directly at the King who met it back with that of a concerned look.

"Nice work Ambroze, I'm glad I could count on you with this set-up. But really, you should've taken the suggestion I gave you, you're looking like you could fall over any minute." He said worrying over his mental and physical state while bags of black surrounded the magus's eye socket.

"There's no need to worry about something as trivial as this, I've gone through many times more tiring and stressful nights than this, so there won't be a problem proceeding with what we have in plan. Besides that, there's also the speech you'll be giving once the meeting is over. Be sure to look over it before the time comes to boost the soldier's morale, otherwise, they may be left unsatisfied and undetermined later on." He added as he handed a piece of paper consisting of a script and passages of what was going to be said soon during the last few moments of the upcoming war.

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