Chapter 40: The King of Curses

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Behind a partially closed door, he watched the guards of the castle patrol around the halls and as they passed by where he was standing, he poked his head out, looked in both directions and as the coast came to be clear, he took a few silent steps outside before rushing down the hall in a sprint. It was an important day for an event that was about to take place. It was but the day of the red sun, a day when the sun would be covered by the moon and bring about an event where all would come to see in the demon kingdom.

It was a day where people across the continent would come to celebrate and the day where festivals were held to commemorate the rare event. Poking his head out once more, he looked towards the right and as he came to reach a large door, he didn't hesitate to push it open and find his brother and sister getting dressed for the morning. His entrance was anything but anticlimactic for he enthusiastically slammed the door open as hard as he could, scaring the two in the room along with the attendants within.

"Labrie! Fina! It's good to see you two in the morning!" He said aloud, rushing over towards them but suddenly felt the back of his collar pulled back; the action resulted in him hovering in the air as he turned over to see it was none other than his own mother.

"Christan dear! What have I told you about sneaking out of your room? You were supposed to stay in there and wait until both of your siblings were ready! Oh how troublesome this is... Could you not have just obeyed my words?" The woman sighed as she set down her own child with a fed-up expression.

"Hehe, I couldn't help it since it's the solar eclipse event! That's right! Will the father be there to attend? I never get to see him even on my birthdays, Surely he's going to attend this event, right!?" He inquired about his mother as he looked up towards her with a gleeful expression.

"Hahhh, that's right little one. He will be attending the event this year, don't you remember the letter he sent? He told us all there would be a special surprise! Though... I'm a little concerned about that... Of all the events to attend, why has he decided on this one... Nonetheless, it looks like all of you are all ready right? We should be able to meet your father soon and as you know, you must act like a gentleman! For he is the king, the most noble position of the kingdom. And aside from that, he is but also the great master of curses!" She boasted of her husband's abilities to her children as they ignored her speech to play around with the tassels on Christan's shoulder pads.

With a tired expression, she clapped her hand once and had the maids and butlers wrap up the preparation. Tightening the corset she wore ever so slightly, she gathered around her three children and as the grandfather clock on the other side of the room sounded twelve o'clock, they began making their way towards the lobby, where a whole day was ahead to attend the main venue. As her daughter Tina was hoisted up to be held onto by her, she guided her sons along the way and upon reaching the front door, they were met with an extravagant path towards the carriage for the day.

In her seat, she looked outside to admire the trees and the scenery of the sky and as her eyes came to be fixated upon a statue of her husband, the events of that day appeared once again in her mind. She could still remember the announcement of the day of her marriage. It was seven years ago and she was but a gracious and beautiful aristocrat of the kingdom. She was spending her time following through her daily commute until word suddenly came in of her engagement. It appeared that she was sent a proposal shortly after the debut ball and upon hearing this, she cried tears of joy and of glee alongside her parents as a prince of the kingdom had made his move to her.

A week later, their engagement date was set and on the day before her wedding would take place, she would have to meet her husband face-to-face in the effort of familiarizing themselves with one another. Dressed in the most flattering and beautiful dress she had currently, she walked towards the door and as it was opened for her to enter, something sinister crawled down her back in an eerie sense. Something within the room shook her very core for some reason but as she took a step in, it suddenly disappeared along with the feeling she felt moments prior. Shrugging it off as an odd occurrence, she set her sights on her fated partner, and upon coming into eye contact with him, her heart fluttered with delight.

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