Chapter 59: The Enemy of my Enemy

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"You know, we could've stayed around for a couple more minutes. I think we could've gotten a better grasp on the plan if we approached him. What made you want to get out of there anyways, I have a feeling that you picked me to lead out was an intentional decision..." Xernes spoke with his hands behind his head, walking toward his dorm with the Pope by his side while his assistant stood a respectful distance behind so as to not bother the pair.

"I couldn't stand another second in there sorry, seeing so many demons at once is giving me a migraine, I guess that's trauma for you... And the reason why I got you out of there? Amber wanted to stay behind for a while to speak with that demon, he apparently had something else he needed to discuss so I picked you to not cause any more trouble than needed." He said while he rubbed his head to ease the rising headache that was stirring up in his mind; the priestess beside him offering a glass of water only to be declined of the gesture.

"Hmph, you're really no fun. I wouldn't have caused any trouble anyway, it's not like everything goes south anytime I appear. I can help out much more than you think, I'm the ruler of my own kingdom after all~" He replied as he turned away with pouted cheeks; his silent discontent expression leaving the pope unable to keep his giggle to himself.

His expression quickly turned back as Xernes stopped himself from going a step forward, his arm raised to block his friend's path to halt his movement as he sensed something was approaching from ahead. There he opened his blindfold once more to see it, the gray soul approaching from the turn up ahead yet somehow, it felt stronger than it had been before what he saw before the meeting; it was as if the person that was slowly creeping up towards them had magically strengthened itself in two hours.

Less than a second later, the other three felt the same thing and without a single thought put into it, they engaged in a fighting stance to prepare for whatever was approaching them. Footsteps now sounded out, ones that became ever more apparent as each step made its way forth, and before long, the shadow appeared to horrify the four standing in the tight corridor.

It walked out with a torn body, one that both resembles and is nothing like that of a demon form. It stood with its deformed body, tentacle-like limbs stretching out of its gaping body along with purple-like veins covering half of its body. Indescribable and a creature that does not belong to this world, that is what the pope thought of the creature and as it stretched its tentacle-wrapped arm toward them, the pope didn't hesitate but to attack it. He didn't show one bit of mercy toward the foul creature, showering it with holy power as it screamed out in agony.

The four backed off, anticipating it to flail in reaction to the holy magic that was thrown upon it, though something didn't seem right. It screamed aloud enough to indicate pain yet it showed no such signs of being damaged; its body was still perfectly fine as small rashes seemed to be what his holy power only managed to do. He was taken aback at how such a creature could even stand that level of power and at that moment, he stood still not knowing what to proceed with as he wondered what he could even do right then. It then lunged forth, the sound of the swing that it brought forth already indicating what was about to come next would be at a devastating strength level.

He faced death right then and with his eyes wide upon to see the purple tentacle that flung forth, he recalled upon his wife and child's faces; the memories of them flashing in his mind but for a split second. Right before it hit, he was suddenly pulled down by someone, narrowingly dodging the attack only to have it slammed toward the priestess behind him. She died instantly without a second to react to what was coming, her body slumping onto the floor as her head came to be smashed open by the impact of the strike.  He was at a loss for words, his follower dying within that split of a second and if it hadn't been for him being pulled away from the attack, he would've had met the same fate as her.

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