Chapter 77: A broken person's dream

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He couldn't believe his eyes, it must've been a dream right? it couldn't have come to this, everything was set to work out perfectly... yet, it managed to fail despite all the planning he had made. His fists were clenched, his teeth grinding and his head fuming. The fact that he felt all this made sure it wasn't all a dream, it was genuine and as real as it could be, reality at its finest... He couldn't blink even as his eyes watered up for a moment, his gaze already held tight toward his sworn rival Vendrick who stood but a couple of meters away from where he was.

He saw his intent, the roaring feeling of something that made him seem inferior despite all he had accomplished, and holding that thought, he made a frown, readying himself for what was to come, and spoke without hesitation.

"Haah... I guess this is it, isn't it... It's come to this point, I didn't think we'd all manage to fail this miserably but I guess I'll have to commend you all for all your effort, it was impressive how you all defeated an army that'd wipe nations in the span of a day... Truly, truly incredible..." He made a small smile, the depressing thought in his mind but right as he did so, he steered back his thought to his angered state; his thought process was not about to let his feelings weaken his fighting prowess.

"We did and it's all thanks to the many preparations we had gone through. If it weren't for everyone's help, we wouldn't have made it to this point. It shows just how people like us can go above and beyond if it means fighting for those that they love and things they want to protect, a train of thought that can't be expressed through words but just the feelings of it..." I spoke aloud for all to hear as I continued my focus toward Eden who hadn't moved from his position ever since my arrival.

"To fight for things that they love and things they want to protect... There was truly a time I thought of it that way as well... Yet when I came to realize it, I felt helpless at those who were subject to but the minds of people... You probably don't know this of me but, I was once a slave, sold by my parents and thrown into the gutter, toward the hands of people who were wicked and evil to their very core..." He began talking in a way as if only the two of us were conversing, the conversation going on to a part of him I'd never ventured down before.

"Back then I was helpless, too weak, unable to even save someone who I've known. Perhaps you may say it was just an unfortunate situation I've found myself in, an unlucky following of events that you may say is common throughout... Though I'm sick of that... Why does it have to be a common event, is the world truly a place where safety for all doesn't exist? I can't stand it and it's why I took the hand of that god who offered me something nobody could..." He continued on as his hair cast a shadow upon his eyes, blackening out his expression as the sun's rays covered them like a sheet of cloth.

"I've said it once before back then, a quote I lived by then and I still do... Whether it be friend or foe, good or evil, nothing will stop me if it means achieving my goal..." He said in a slightly somber tone, a smile still well apparent on his face as the blade he gripped turned his hands white from the pressure he exerted upon the hilt.

Right as the words left his mouth, I felt the insurmountable amount of killing intent and blood lust that left his body, the very aura that covered the field like large currents of wind now similar to that of waves of heat that blasted to an immeasurable amount. Many quickly fell to their knees under the pressure and as everyone heightened their guard to the maximum, Christan stood forth, readying himself to fight back against the man who posed such a threat to his kingdom. Though before he could even take a second step, he was intercepted by the raising of a hand and as I shook my head once in front of him, he nodded understandingly.

The battle was for him and me with nobody in between. Whether or not I can win or not depends on me alone. Nobody shall take foot until everything blows over. It was a battle of our own, with our abilities alone and nothing else...

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