Chapter 6: Pointed ears and lost family

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The troops stomped across the wet and muddy lands as they traversed through the battlefield. Each step they took gradually sank their leather boots more and more as they made their way towards the central part of the area. While the mud stuck onto the soles of the shoes, they soon caught up with their leader and quickly saluted towards them as he turned.

"Commander Julius! We have confirmed the elimination of the demons towards the north of the area and have captured them successfully. All there now to do is deal with the fleeing demons." The vice-captain of the squadron said, her eyes as serious as ever in his eyes.

"Great work vice captain Killia of the third squadron, please head into the second formation and wait for further commands. It won't be long until slaughter those wicked creatures. They're all cowards who started running as soon as I cut their captain's head off, how laughable that they had such weak determination and fragile wills." Julius said and commented as he smiled at the soon-to-be victory.

Suddenly, a loud crash came about from a distance away and through it followed the screams of his men calling out in pain. The explosion in question rumbled throughout the place while more men came into the fray to back up their fellow knights.

"Urgh, I don't get paid enough for this. Forget it, you all are useless, I'll deal with whatever is happening over there myself." He said in an irritated manner, taking off the wet gloves he wore and rushing over down to the area.

There, a demonic orc had appeared along with a dozen lesser ones to combat the people who gave chase to the rest of the retreating demons, stomping at the knights who extended their spears and threw magic fireballs at the mages who cast spells.

As the vice-captain caught sight of this from afar, she didn't hesitate to abandon her position to assist the commander in battle, pulling her sword out and self-casting agility to quicken her movements. Approaching with her weapon in a position to strike her foes instantly, a sense of impending death she felt lurked in front of her.

Immediately, she stopped to dash backwards and in the blink of an eye, a cannon of water blasted across the plains and straight towards the enemies that stood in front of her; the terrifyingly dangerous magic attack made her too stunned to get up from her position. The demons that once took a stand along with the retreating ones were obliterated without mercy, only blood mixed in water puddles were left in the attack.

"Tsk, you ignorant fool, which imbecile told you that you could run amok like that? Your death would only mean more work for me, do you not understand your position as a vice-captain!? Get back into your squad of knights." He scolded her harshly as he wiped his hand dry with a handkerchief and dropped the dirtied piece of cloth onto the muddy grounds as he walked away.

"Dammit... that was too close... I didn't join the army to be put on this team... What a terrible strike of luck... what happened to you, commander Vendrick..." She spoke to herself as she rose up to head back to her unit, the mud stuck onto the light armour she wore from whence she fell, murmurs around her speak of the scolding she had received from the companion of the hero, Julius Devon himself.

In the main tent that worked as a place where strategic plans were conducted, Julius sat back down in a day's work and relaxed as if the battlefield was but a place for leisure activity. Out of the blue, a messenger came in to report to Julius himself as he bore a message.

"Talk, I don't have all day if you keep standing there. It's from Eden, right? This better be something worthwhile." He said, enjoying the fruits that were put onto the table.

"Commander Julius! Eden has commanded your units to prepare to head back to the main capital of the kingdom! You are to march towards the eastern kingdom to get a lookout of the traitorous former commander Vendrick!" He quickly laid his message across to Julius, who only sat there in thought.

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