Prologue Chapter 2: A Promise Kept

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You rejoin the group and sit in a chair next to Andrew. He leans back in his chair and winks at you before handing you a bar of chocolate. "Was supposed to give it to you when I went to get you but I sorta forgot. Hope you like it kid. I found it while scavenging. But hey don't tell my wife she told me just yesterday that she was craving chocolate plus, if I remember correctly, this is her favourite type". You take the chocolate and quickly slip it into your bag. You should have time to eat it later, just before bed. 

"Hey y'all, foods ready" shouts Cindy, the self appointed camp cook. She looked like the typical cowgirl  wearing blue jeans and big thick riding boots. She even wore a white, wide brimmed hat.

"I wonder what it is" Andrew chuckles to you as he gets up to grab a bowl.

"Stew, it's always stew" you reply not fully understanding the sarcasm. He returns with a bowl for you as well and you both tuck in. All around the camp you can hear all sorts of chatter. People predicting the weather tomorrow, your father and Nathan reminiscing about their time in the marines, Cindy, your mother and and a few of the women talking about horses.

Andrew's wife Jenny joined you both and talked about how hard it was to carry the buckets of water all the way from the lake. "What did you get up to today?" she asked looking at you.

"Not much Mrs Jenny" you reply, "My mother won't let me leave camp because I almost got bit scavenging yesterday".

"Yes, I wonder who put you in all that danger for no reason" she snarls looking at Andrew.

"Well, Steven said I could take him" Andrew says slurping on his stew.

"Just because you had permission from his father to go out looking for supplies, does not mean I agree with it..... I mean". She lowers her voice to a whisper. "What if he died?".

"It's my fault" you say, "I snuck off into a comic store when Mr Andrew wasn't looking".

"Well maybe he should be more observant" Jenny says finishing off her stew and leaving to wash the bowl.

"Don't worry Y/N, I spoke to your father and we reckon we can convince your mother to allow you to leave camp again". Andrew says as you both finish your stew "Here, i'll wash this up for you" he says grabbing your bowl before walking away to wash it up.

As people finished eating they slowly gathered back together. Your father grabs his guitar and starts tuning it. "What're ya gonna play tonight Steven? Something good an' country I hope?" Cindy says to your father as the last of the group gather around the fire.

"Damn, you got me" your father laughs as he finishes tuning his guitar. "Well, here goes nothing I guess".

As the song came to an end people started clapping before starting conversations with each other. Your father comes over to you. "Like the song Y/N?" he asks taking a seat next to you.

"Umm, obviously Dad. Why wouldn't I?" you reply smiling at him.

You hear a shout coming from the edge of camp.


Your father grabs your shoulders "Shit, Y/N stay here, I'll see how bad it is. Just stay right here but if I tell you to, you better run and hide is that understood?"

"Yes" you say reluctantly

You watch as he grabs a rifle and runs off. Some gunfire can be heard, lots. Automatic fire too. In fact as far as you remember no-one in your group has an automatic rifle. Then you hear your fathers voice over the gunfire "Y/N RUN NOW".

So, before you could even think about it you turned and ran into the woods. Not even daring to look back and see what was happening. As you run you trip on the root of a tree and hit your head against a rock. Your vision gets blurry but you push through it getting back on your feet and hiding in a ditch waiting for the gunfire to end. Waiting for your father, or mother, or maybe even even Andrew.

But secretly deep down you knew no-one was coming for you.

Suffering: Male Reader x TWDGWhere stories live. Discover now