Chapter 41: Isn't Her Blood Beautiful?

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You look up from your sketchbook, the lake is beautiful this time of year. You can see Anderson striding purposefully towards you, he's wearing his skull balaclava. You know what he's come to tell you, you can sense it.

He reaches you and nods coldly. He doesn't need to speak, you know what this means. You drop your sketchbook in the grass and grab your mask from your pocket, pulling it over your head and adjusting it slightly.

You reach behind a nearby bush and pull out the rifle that was stashed inside. You don't want to do this but what choice do you have?

None. You don't have a choice.

Tertium non datur.

You and Anderson begin walking towards the cafeteria, it's breakfast time so that's where they'll all be.


You reach the entrance just as Sergeant Edwards is leaving, he looks a bit bewildered at what you're doing, but, before he can react, you raise your rifle and fire 6 times into his gut. He collapses into a pool of his own blood.

Anderson kicks in the door to the cafeteria and you both begin unloading your rifles. Body after body falls to the ground as the screams of agony are abruptly cut short, one by one. You can hear gunfire echo through other parts of Fort Summer, the other Rangers have begun the cleansing as well. It's the only way to purge the traitors from the ranks.

They try to fight back but it's, quite frankly, a pathetic effort. In a grand total of 6 minutes just under two thirds of the Militia are dead.

And to think that the Delta struggled so much.

You and Captain Anderson leave the cafeteria, gunfire is still going off at regular intervals from around Fort Summer. "Let's split up and deal with the stragglers" Anderson says, "And in an hour, we'll meet up with the others down by the lake".

You nod in response. There isn't much to say, just another day in the office really.

You start making your way down towards the lake, figuring that's it's as good a place to start as any other. You see a familiar figure sprint out from a nearby cabin, her blonde hair blowing in the wind that's slowly picking up.

You shoot, nailing her in the shoulder. She stumbles but continues to run, right towards the lake; a dead end. You follow her, smiling under your mask as you think of how easy this whole ordeal has been. It's just a damn shame that Chloe was also a traitor.


She stops at the edge of the lake and turns to you, the fear in her eyes is almost horrifying to you. She is truly afraid. You think about taking off your mask, revealing yourself to her but no, that isn't what you want her to know you as. Her murderer.

You reach her and take a deep breath, looking up at the star filled sky above. You always liked the night sky. You close your eyes for a second, this is just beautiful. You open your eyes back up and grab Chloe by the collar, throwing her to the dirty floor of the old barn.

You raise your pistol, looking into her soft eyes, and gently squeeze the trigger. She collapses to the ground, a hole in the middle of her head.

A crimson pool of agony floods out from her face.

Isn't her blood beautiful?

You gasp, bolting up in your bed. You check the time, 6:00 am, almost time to get up. You're drenched in sweat, barely able to control your breathing.

What the fuck kind of dream was that?

A/N: I ought to say this before someone else does thinking I've made a mistake, I know this chapter doesn't make sense, it starts at breakfast and then all of a sudden Y/N is looking up at the night sky by the lake and then seconds later they're in the old barn.

It's supposed to be like this. It's a dream. Dreams don't always make sense. (Hopefully this doesn't come off as rude I just don't want people getting confused or thinking that my writing quality has taken a massive nosedive).

Also, if you guys enjoy my book, it would be huge if you could go back and vote on some of my chapters as it helps the book get recommended to more people and genuinely makes me happy. (I love seeing notifications from Wattpad that someone has voted on a chapter).

Either way,

Until next chapter..


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