Prologue Chapter 4: A Saviour

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You grip your machete to the point where your knuckles turn white and you take a deep breath. You run out from the bush at a full sprint charging at he man in the leather jacket. He hears this and slowly turns around punching you in the face. You fall to the floor stunned as a man grabs the machete off you.

"And who the FUCK do we have here, huh" he laughs as he towers over you

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"And who the FUCK do we have here, huh" he laughs as he towers over you.

"I mean what even was your plan little guy. Like fuck, you kill me then what? One of my men would just shoot you like the little fucking animal you are. Whos kid are you?"

You're too stunned and dazed to answer as you lie there looking at him.

"He is my son" your father says spitting out some blood on the ground.

"Oh shit, well at least it aint a fucking stray isn't that right kid. Hey you" He points to one of the men with guns "Drag him in line with the others"

The man grabs you by the collar and drags you next to the others.

"Now what was I saying before I was rudely interrupted? Oh yeah I remember. There was this deer that my men shot about a mile or two from here. Now funny fucking story is they told me that you robbed them for it, and here I am standing and I can clearly see its leftover carcass about 10 feet away from me. Sorry, I just realised that I never introduced myself. My name is Negan and I am YOUR Saviour." He chuckles at the last bit before resuming his speech.

"Now please, correct me if I'm fucking stupid but usually when someone steals they get punished. I don't really care who stole the deer but one of you fucks will be dying tonight I just have to work out who it should be. But how... that is the question." He starts circling you all humming to himself.

"Who to pick, who to pick. Oooh this is tricky. Maybe a game of eeny meeny miny moe" He turns to you "You're a kid you should enjoy this, oh come on give us a fucking smile. You guys are really boring you know that?"

He stands in front of you all again and starts the game "Eeny meeny miny moe, catch a meat puppet by the toe, if it bites you let it go, eeny meeny miny moe" He finishes pointing his baseball bat at your father. Negan turns to look at you. "Well this is a bit fucking awkward isnt it"

You start to panic. "Please don..."


Negan slams his bat on your fathers head caving his face in as blood flies everywhere. Negan starts laughing and turns to you. "Holy shit, his fucking face just exploded. Man that's fucking horrible. I mean you saw it right? I'm fucking impressed with myself."

You run over to your father's corpse and kneel down beside it crying. Negan approaches you and puts a hand on your shoulder. "Look on the bright side kid" he says kneeling down next to you, "Usually it takes about two or three hits for them to die. So if you think about it that way, he's a fucking lucky guy".

"You're a monster" you reply turning to him. "How fucking DARE you kill my Dad over a stupid deer". You wipe the tears from your eyes and stand up raising your fists. "Now fight me like a man" you yell.

"Y/N DON'T ITS NOT WORTH IT" Andrew shouts at you. A man with a big scar on his face hits Andrew on the back of his head, causing him to collapse face first into the mud. Negan ignores this and goes to your father's body and gently removes the dogtags around his neck. He turns holding them out to you. "Something for you to remember him by Y/N". You take them and shove them into your pocket for safe keeping.

You look at him confused as he starts circling the group once again. "Now usually I would tie up a loose end but I'm starting to feel bad. So Y/N, I am gonna do the nice thing here." Negan points his bat at you, it's covered in your father's blood and bits of brain. "You're gonna get your machete back and I'm gonna give you 30 seconds to run before I change my fucking mind and finish your whole bloodline". Your machete gets thrown at your feet. You pick it up and look around at everyone.


You can see the pain in everyones faces.


You can see the fear.


Hell, you're terrified and you seem to be the only one that could possibly get out of this alive.


"Y/N RUN" you hear a voice shout.


It was Cindy


You turn around, and for the second time that night, you ran. Once more tears begin to fill your eyes as you jump over all the bodies scattered around as you make your way to the treeline. "RUN FORREST, RUN!" Negan shouts from behind you as you dart into the trees. You ran for what seemed like hours but was probably only 15 minutes. You are lost, and alone.

You hear a noise and look to your right. A couple of biters were stumbling towards you. You grip the machete tighter and continue running. You can't fight two at once, you could barely fight one earlier. Although that one had the advantage of having the face of a loved one, made you hesitate, you can't afford to hesitate again.

As you continue running you realise that the ground is gradually getting steeper and you eventually reach the top revealing the edge of the woods and a road. You reach the road and decide to follow it hoping it will lead to anywhere that you could stay for the night.


You hear a distant gunshot from the direction you came from and decide to hasten your pace. It clearly wasn't for you but you don't want to hang around just in case. You continue for another hour before coming across an old abandoned car.

Exhausted, you check to make sure its safe before trying the door. It opens and you flop inside closing the door in the same motion before lying down in the back seats and falling asleep clutching your machete in one hand, and your father's dog tags in the other.

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