Chapter 47: Double Agent

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"Do you know if Y/N's going to be here, or will he just go straight back to Fort Summer?" Chloe asks, strangling your thoughts about the whole secret life you've been hiding from her.

You shrug and carry on walking, you ought to find Anderson, he'll probably have some idea of what should be done next. Chloe sighs, "It's his birthday today too, I hope he's doing alright".

You freeze in your tracks, you'd forgotten about your birthday, you're 17 today. You once again think about speaking to Chloe but instead shake your head slowly and continue walking away. Anderson strides over to you, a glint in his eye.

"Good fucking shit Ghost!" he exclaims joyfully before turning to Chloe, "I have one of my men working on Dixieland's radio so, hopefully, it'll be up and running soon".

She smiles at the news and thanks him before jogging down the road towards a small gathering of the Wolves that seem to be eagerly telling each other their own accounts of what just happened.

"Who's working on the radio?" you ask curiously.

"Oh it's Bear" Anderson says, "Before the apocalypse he worked as some sort of IT technician and one of his hobbies was apparently fixing old radios".

You wouldn't have ever assumed that about him as he seems far too gruff to be one of those types of nerds.

"Anyway Ghost, me and the others are going to bed for the night, you should do the same, you look like shit" he says flashing a smile that you barely notice under his mask.


You step out the front door of the house you and the other Forsaken occupied for the night. They're all already outside talking to a frenzy of people.

"What's going on?" you yawn as you approach the others.

"Well Bear fixed their radio" Bug says.

"And apparently the General issued an order for Dixieland to be completely evacuated so now everyone who lived here is now being relocated to Fort Summer, permanently" Hulk butts in, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, doesn't that kinda mean the Delta won this battle then if we're completely pulling out of Dixieland?" you ask.

"Pretty much" Bear answers, "But hey, at least we stopped any more people from dying and it's not like the Militia are going to give in too easily; they'll counter attack".

You look around to get Anderson's opinion on this when you notice, "Where's Anderson?" you ask.

Bug points over in the direction of a group of the Wolves where you can see Anderson chatting to Captain Richard, the person in charge of the Wolves. "He's just tal-" Bug says before being cut off by a too familiar voice.

"Y/N?" Chloe shouts in a tone of utter surprise.

Maybe you should've put your mask on before leaving the house, then again, the others aren't wearing theirs.

She runs over and locks you in a tight embrace. "Happy birthday for yesterday!" she says excitedly.

You thank her as she grabs your hand and leads you away towards a group of Wolves. "Mia, look who it is" she exclaims.

Mia steps forwards and gives you a little wave, "Hi Y/N, you missed the big battle" she says.

"Yeah" Chloe says, "The battle where we absolutely crushed the Delta".

You smirk, "Damn thats a shame" you answer sarcastically, "I'll try to make it to the next one".

"Damn right you will" Chloe responds, "Oh, and what's up with the other Rangers wearing those skull masks?" she asks inquisitively, "Because it's creepy as fuuuck!".

Suffering: Male Reader x TWDGWhere stories live. Discover now