Chapter 22: What Do They Want With Us?

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The Next Day

Y/N's POV:

You're leaning against a cabin watching as Mark prepares to leave Fort Summer, he's being escorted by a few of the Wolves. Chloe and Mia both refused the job of escorting him saying that they would rather he goes alone. This got them a severe verbal warning although they both didn't seem to care.

You're on your own today, the other Rangers are on some sort of operation but they refuse to tell you any details; they left early this morning. Hopefully Chloe and Mia will be free so you have something to do as otherwise it's going to be a very boring day.

You look on as Mark leaves the front gates of Fort Summer with a few men from the Wolves. As he does he turns your way and winks. This irritates you but there's nothing you can do, you already broke his nose so you aren't too bothered by him; you've clearly done a lot more to him than he has to you.

Well, except breaking your relationship up with Jessie, you almost forgot about that. Is that a good thing or a bad thing that I forgot about Jessie, I guess I'm getting over her fast you think to yourself as the gates are shut. Mark is out there now, having received not even one punishment for what he did.

You decide to make your way to the Wolves' cabin in search for Chloe and Mia, if they're on guard duty today you'll probably just tag along with them, it's one of the perks of being a Ranger, you can get away with things like that without anyone asking any questions.

You reach the cabin and knock on the door, a woman answers yawning lazily as if you just woke her up. "Do you know where Chloe and Mia are?" you ask reluctantly, bracing for her to be upset at you for waking her.

"Uhhhh, yeah I think they were sent to the armoury to get prepared for a patrol to the wind turbine" she replies with yet another yawn. 

"Okay, thanks, and sorry for waking you" you say with a nod as you head away from the cabin and raise your hand in a sort of half wave. She waves back and closes the cabin door.

You jog towards the armoury and as you turn the corner you can see five people standing outside getting ready to leave. Chloe and Mia are among them. "Hey, do you guys need an extra hand?" you shout as you quicken your pace.

The guy who you assume is the leader of the expedition looks you up and down, "Not really but I suppose you can" he grumbles, "But just be quick, we'll wait at the gates for you".

You rush back to the Rangers' cabin, you all keep your weapons here instead of at the armoury, another perk of being a Ranger. You fish your mask out your pocket and shove it in your bedside drawer before grabbing your AK47 and checking over it. Once satisfied you pull on your bulletproof vest and do the straps up tight to ensure it's on properly.

You grab some magazines for your rifle and pistol from a box in the corner of the room, it's a stash full of emergency ammunition for the Rangers; you make a mental reminder to replace what you took just in case you use any. You finally put on your patrol cap and sprint out the door slamming it behind you.

As you reach the gate, the man sighs and rolls his eyes slightly. He leads you all out and you begin the hike towards the wind turbine. The path is a small dirt one and you can't really walk much more than two abreast. You take up position at the rear, Chloe slows and starts walking next to you.

You look ahead and see Mia talking with another girl, "Soooo, how are you feeling?" Chloe asks, nudging your arm slightly.

You clench your jaw slightly, you don't really want to think about Jessie right now, Chloe seems to sense this and quickly changes subject, "Umm, you do anything fun with the Rangers?"

Suffering: Male Reader x TWDGWhere stories live. Discover now