Chapter 6: Dixieland

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You stand there thinking about the praise you got from Edwards before you snap out of it and look over at Jessie who's about to attempt a second shot. "Let me help you" you say walking up to her. Positioning yourself behind her, you wrap your arms around her and guide hers into the right positions before putting her hands in the right position on the handgun.

You hold her hands and gently aim at the target. You see her blush slightly. "Now remember, as long as it isn't pointed at you, there's nothing to be afraid of. Think of it as a tool, not a weapon". You decide to point her centre mass of the target to have the greatest chance at hitting it.

"When you pull the trigger you want to exhale and remember to gently squeeze it, like this" you say as you gently squeeze her trigger finger. The gun fires and sure enough the bullet hits centre mass of the target. "Well done" you say letting go of her hands "How did it feel?".

"Amazing" she says barely able to hold in her excitement. She aims again and without your assistance hits the target in the shoulder. "Looks like there's two sharpshooters" you say patting her on the back. Edwards walks over to you two and smiles at Jessie. "Good work Jessie, I knew with enough practice you'd be able to hit the target".

Jessie smiles clearly thrilled with herself as Edwards marches off to talk to some of the others. You put your hands on your hips and chuckle "See, its fun once you know how to...". Before you can finish your sentence, she grabs you and pulls you into a hug. You can feel yourself turning red, do you have a crush on her?

Surely not, right? But it doesn't matter your mind is racing and your heart is beating faster than it ever has before. "Thank you, I promise I will teach you how to perfect the rope climb" She exclaims as she lets go of you.

It's lunch time and you're sat with Harvey on your left and Jessie on your right. She's currently explaining to everyone how you taught her to shoot properly and how she hit the target. Everyone seems impressed by your shooting skills and how easy it was for you to correct Jessies shooting technique.

You aren't really paying attention as you see Sergeant Edwards and the General walking towards you all before stopping at your table.  Everyone gets up from the table and salutes as they both walk up to you.

"Y/N we need you to come with us" says the General, "After lunch, everyone is to carry on weapons training under the supervision of Corporal Hayes". Everyone sits down as you start to walk away. You follow them both as they lead you out of the cafeteria towards a big old looking military truck.

A/N: Imagine something like this

You can see about ten people standing around it chatting

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You can see about ten people standing around it chatting. They stop as you all approach and stand to attention before climbing into the back of the truck. You see they all carry AK47s as well as having a pistol in their holster and a few of them have cigarettes hanging out their mouths. Edwards motions you to climb into the truck and follows you up sitting next to you on the seating inside. You hear the front doors slam shut as two people get in the cabin, probably the driver and the General.

Suffering: Male Reader x TWDGWhere stories live. Discover now