Chapter 12: Birthday Part 2

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You all pile into the girls cabin as there are less girls so there is less clutter to get in your way during the game. You all sit down on the floor in a circle cross legged. Chloe grabs a pack of cards, "I have played truth or dare before with some friends where the lowest card has to answer, we should try it, it adds a good little twist to the game". You all agree as she hands everyone a card. You look at yours, it's a two of spades. Harvey wins with a king, "Truth or dare?" he asks you. You sit and think for a couple of seconds, "Truth" you reply not wanting to start straight away with the dares as you don't know how far people will take it.

"Have you ever drank alcohol?" he asks. You pause and think back to the times you went hunting with your father. "Yeah, my dad used to take me hunting before the apocalypse and he used to bring a cooler filled with beer and soda. Sometimes he would let me have some beer but I never liked it" you say looking around. Chloe is nodding slightly in agreement and Harvey seems shocked that you have had alcohol.

Next round, Ella loses and Thomas wins. She picked dare and he made her eat a whole piece of paper which was disgusting to watch. "Hmm, that reminds me, it is almost lunch time" you say pointing to a clock on the wall. You all decide it's best to go have lunch before continuing the game.

At lunch you all invite Ethan and Sophie to play but they refuse. You all decide that Oliver shouldn't play just in case things get too crazy and you make your way back to the girls cabin to continue the game. You all get given cards and this time Chloe loses and Mark wins. She picks truth, "So Chloe, do you have a crush on anyone here" he asks raising an eyebrow. You all start laughing "Eww gross" Chloe says turning slightly red, "But maybe, I'm not sure" she adds as she starts handing out the cards.

You assume there was a reason Mark asked this question, he probably has a crush on her. You don't blame him, she's pretty cool plus she is only about half a year older than you. You stop thinking about her and focus on the game as you are handed a card. You lose and this time decide to take a dare, Jessie wins. She thinks for a moment and starts laughing, "I want you to sneak over to the cabin the Wolves stay in and start howling outside".

Everyone bursts out laughing and follow you outside. After being pointed in the right direction, you sneak up to the cabin. You peak through the window and see a bunch of people inside chatting, you can also see Mia sitting on a chair sharpening her knife. You take a few steps away from the window and start howling, "Awoooooo!".

You wait a few seconds and all of a sudden you can hear everyone in the cabin start howling in response. You turn around and run back over to the others, most of which have collapsed on the floor from laughter. A few people who were walking past at the time also start laughing as you sprint back to the girls cabin with the others who are still recovering. "That was amazing" Jessie says hi fiving you before you all sit back down and are passed cards.

As the afternoon continues and the truth or dare game progresses, the weather turns from sunny to a thunder storm. Some of the questions and dares at this point have been a bit rude, for example at some point Harvey had to stand out in the rain for three minutes and Ella had to say her biggest regret which was that she let her mother turn and ran away instead of putting her out of her misery.

After many more games and dinner, you finally lose again with Jacob winning. "Dare" you say before even being asked, you have decided you don't want to do any more truths as you are beginning to get worried as to what people may ask. Jacob smiles, "I dare you to pull out fifty blades of grass from outside with these" he says holding up a pair of tweezers. "Where the hell did you find the tweezers?" you ask taking them he just puts his finger up to his mouth.

"Oh come on Jacob, have you seen the weather? He's going to get soaking wet" Jessie says shoving him slightly, "Hey, you guys didn't care when I had to stand outside in the rain" Harvey says slightly cross. Chloe frowns slightly "Yeah, Jessie is right I don't think Y/N should do this dare" she says looking at you.

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