Chapter 31: Corporal

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"The Richmond soldiers seem to be doing well" The General says, turning to you and Captain Anderson, "Soon they'll be ready to fight".

Anderson nods and glances over at the training ground, "I should think so sir, they've had a couple months training".

A Richmond soldier, who you recognise immediately as Phil Oliver, falls over whilst running and before he can even get up, Corporal Hayes is in his face shouting. He turns red in embarrassment and nods, dusting himself off and continuing the assault course.

Even Ethan, who you haven't seen in quite a while, gets in on the action; ordering Richmond's soldiers around the various training exercises with furious efficiency. "If Ethan keeps this up, he might get a promotion" the General mumbles to you both, sweat dripping from his forehead, "Although I've still not forgotten about the whole barn incident".

Anderson lets out a small chuckle, "Yeah it might be best to let that thought rest for a bit, however, I know someone who could be considered for a promotion". He nudges you in the ribs and gives you a wink.

"I'll have a think about this proposal" the General says with a smile, the radio on his belt chirps and he grabs it, "Repeat that" he orders gruffly, holding it up to his ear and walking off.

The General has been very busy these past few months, almost all the smaller settlements protected by the Militia are evacuating to either Fort Summer or Dixieland to make sure the Militia won't have to be spread so thin and thus can better protect everyone. This however causes many logistical problems that are creating huge issues for the Militia short term, but in the long run should be beneficial for the security of everyone.

You and Captain Anderson turn to leave the training grounds but are approached by Jessica, she looks at you with a reserved smile and addresses Anderson; "The scouts have just arrived back and told me to fetch you".

"Brilliant" Anderson says, clapping his hands together, "Me and Y/N will meet with them now".

You're not exactly sure why you or Anderson are meeting with some of the scouts but you aren't going to question it, instead you choose to follow him, curious as to what this could be about. You don't have to be curious for long as it doesn't take much time to locate the scouts who are resting by the front gate.

They stand up when the spot you and Captain Anderson, saluting him eagerly; "Captain we still haven't found the Delta base but we have found someone you might want to see".

Both you and Anderson raise an eyebrow at this, a man emerges from the group of resting soldiers with a massive grin, "David fucking Carris" Anderson exclaims, a smile growing on his face, "And here I thought you kicked the bucket years ago!".

The man salutes, he's wearing a grey military jacket and camo trousers, "It's good to see you too" the man laughs back, his greasy blonde hair is tied back in a loose ponytail which the sun shines off, making his hair look like it's glowing. You study him up and down, he has a bulletproof vest under his jacket and is wearing the same combat boots that the Militia wear.

Anderson reaches out and shakes David's hand before turning to you, "David this is Y/N, Y/N this is David".

You greet him with a salute to which he returns one back, "David was in the Militia and was one of the top scouts" Anderson says to you, "But him and his unit went missing, before you joined us".

"It's a damn shame" David says, shaking his head, "We were ambushed by some fuckers, we were way too far out in the first place, I should've turned us back sooner".

Anderson puts his hand on David's shoulder, "It's not your fault at all, do you know who did it?".

David shrugs, "It could've been anyone, I was the only person who managed to get out, I've been living on my own ever since, well, until these boys found me" he says nodding his head towards the scouts, "Fuck it's good to be back!".

Anderson elbows you, "Y/N can you show David the way to the showers please, I'm sure he would appreciate it dearly".

"Yes sir" you say with a salute.

David sniffs the air around himself, "I know I haven't bathed in years but I can't smell that bad can I?" he asks.

Anderson quickly talks over him about meeting the General after having a shower, which David happily agrees to. You take David to the showers and fetch him some towels and spare clothes which he politely accepts. You wait outside for him to shower, it doesn't take him long which is worrying considering he supposedly hasn't bathed in literal years.

He is now wearing the standard issue uniform of the Militia, his old clothes tucked under one arm, "I'll take these to the laundry and meet you at the General's office" he says warmly. You nod and head to the General's cabin; you assume he knows the way, otherwise it would be pretty stupid for him to go off on his own in such a large place as Fort Summer.

You knock and enter the cabin, both the General and Captain Anderson seem surprised, "Where's David?" Anderson asks, narrowing his eyes.

"He went to take his old clothes to the laundry, he'll be here shortly" you reply with a salute to both Anderson and the General.

The General rolls his eyes and turns his attention to Anderson, "David was never one for urgency was he".

Barely a moment passes before there's a knock on the door, David strolls in and gives a quick salute to the General, "David Carris reporting for duty sir" he bellows.

You narrow your eyes at his hulk of a body, you know fully well that unless he was crazy enough to sprint through Fort Summer, it should've taken him a lot longer to drop off his old clothes.

"Glad to have you back" the General beams with an arm outstretched. They shake hands and the General sits back down behind his desk, "So tell us" the General says, "What have you been up to for all this time?".

David begins to explain his misadventures. How him and the other scouts got attacked and how it was a slaughter; how he had to run for his life and how he had no idea where he was, how he only recently found a map, worked out his rough location, and began the trek back to Fort Summer.

"Let me tell you, what we were taught here, it saved my goddamn life" he says, "And I am so glad I'm back".

The General smiles at him and begins to get up out of his chair but David quickly speaks up, "But there's more sir!" he says, almost shouting with excitement.

The General pauses and leans back in his chair, "Go on" he says, clasping his hands together in an air of eager curiosity.

David rubs his temples and continues, "There was this military base I found while on my travels, Fort Benning, It was overrun but I had a look around and let me tell you it is full of shit; guns, enough ammunition to last us years and what looked like a working helicopter, although it should be said that I ain't no helicopter mechanic but it looked useable to-".

The General cuts him off with a wave of his hand, "How long ago was this?" he asks impatiently.

"Oh I dunno" David replies, "You kinda lose track of time out there but I'd say no more than a few months".

You all look at each other, "David please head to Captain Rivers and inform her that you'll be joining Alpha team" the General says, getting up out of his chair. David salutes and leaves the cabin. You all stand there stunned.

Captain Anderson looks over at the General, "If what he's saying is true, we need all of that, maybe even the helicopter as well. This could be an easier way to end the war rather than letting it drag out".

The General nods slowly then turns to you, "Y/N what do you think?" he asks.

You're taken slightly aback, "Umm, I'm just a Ranger" you stutter, "I don't think my opinion matters".

The General furrows his brow, "Well why don't you accept the position of Corporal?" he asks, a smile forming on his face.

Captain Anderson slaps you on the back, "Congratulations Corporal".

You stare at them both dumbfounded "But why?" you manage to say.

The General walks around his desk, "Because we need to invest early into the future of the Militia, and you're a very promising candidate" he answers, shaking your hand. "Now tell me Corporal, what do you think about a trip to Fort Benning?".

A/N: Thanks to @hoplessking for creating a character used in this chapter. If you want to create a character for this book, make sure to check out chapter 28.

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