Chapter 29: Welcome To Richmond

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Richmond's front gate looks pretty impressive, it's made of reinforced steel sheets and is painted a dull blue colour. Armed guards stand on an elevated walkway along the perimeter walls; it's like some sort of urban fortress and definitely feels like the right decision to be allied with them, that's if they even want an alliance

The gates are slowly dragged open and a group of armed guards stand in the entrance. A man wearing a baseball jersey reinforced with leather and a kid around your age with a beanie on his head both step forward. "Welcome to Richmond" the man says as he gestures you all to come closer, "My name is Javier García and this is Gabriel" he adds as he puts an arm around the kid's shoulders.

Gabriel holds up a hand in a friendly but reserved wave and you all nod in acknowledgement, not reciprocating the wave due to Militia training protocol: Keep your hands on your weapon at all times in meetings with unknown people, no matter how friendly they may seem.

"Shall we talk here, or do you want to come in?" Javier asks.

Captain Anderson looks around and nods his head, "Yeah we'll come in" he replies.

The gate is shut behind you all and you instantly look around trying to identify any weaknesses in their defence that could be manipulated by either the Delta, or the Militia; depending on how nice these people really are. "We'll speak in my office" Javier says as he guides you down a street, this place seems well defended but with the way that people are holding their weapons, it looks like they don't have much, if any, training.

You're all hanging back, walking slightly behind Anderson and Javier who are walking next to each other. Gabriel hangs back as well and takes up a position beside you. "Hey, what's your name?" he asks as he nudges you in the arm.

You tighten your grip on your AK47 and turn to him, "Ghost" you reply abruptly. He seems surprised by your unwillingness to have a conversation with him but what does he think this is, some sort of social call? This is war, plain and simple.

"Ahh, well you already know my name, it's Gabriel but you can just call me Gabe" he says, trying to keep up this friendly tone he's adopted with you. You don't trust him, he's being too nice.

After a short walk you all arrive at what appears to be a hospital, "I took over one of the old offices in here" Javier says to you all, "It seemed much less effort than to make my own office". You get to the entrance of the hospital and Javier stands in front of the door, "Now I do have to ask you give your rifles to the guards outside" he says, "But to show that we trust you, I'll allow you to keep your pistols and any other weapons you have on you".

Bug lets out a sigh of disapproval and you all look to Anderson who simply nods, "Sure" he says with a smile as he puts the safety on his rifle and hands it over, everyone follows his example and once the rifles are handed over, Javier lets out a smile.

"Thank you for having some trust in us" he says warmly as he opens the door to the hospital and lets you all enter. The hospital looks somewhat clean but you can definitely tell they they're struggling with upkeep, some ceiling panels are missing and there are cracks in the faded white walls.

There is a hum of activity in this building though, with quite a few people rushing around carrying medical equipment.  A man who's missing a leg gets wheeled past you all on a gurney, there's a lot of blood spurting out of him and he's screaming as someone tries to apply pressure on the wound.  

"We can help out with this while you two talk" Hulk offers to Javier, "We are first aid trained"

Javier thinks for a second, "That would be nice, Lingard and Eleanor could use the help, our people don't exactly know much when it comes to treating wounds".

You and the rest of the Rangers turn to follow the sound of the screaming man but Anderson puts a hand on your shoulder, turning you back around, "Is it okay if I have Y/N here in the meeting with us?" he asks Javier.

"As long as Gabe's allowed in the meeting" Javier replies with a smile. You're not sure what to think of Javier, he seems too laid back, like he doesn't yet understand the severity of the situation his group is in. All four of you step into Javier's office. It looks like one of your typical doctor's offices, nothing special, a bookshelf sits by one wall and is full of medical sounding books.

Javier sits down behind his desk and crosses his arms, "Well, let's get down to business" he says as he leans back.

You and Captain Anderson explain who the Militia are, what your aim as a group is, and your situation with the Delta.

"So the Militia protects other settlements in return for supplies?" Javier asks, "That's pretty noble of you".

Once you and Captain Anderson finish talking, it's Javier's turn. He explains in detail the history of his group including the bad things that the New Frontier did and what he's been doing to try and fix everything. "A while ago" he says, "The Delta attacked an outpost we were in control of; McCarroll Ranch. They kidnapped all of the kids and killed everyone else".

You and Anderson glance at each other, "Yeah they kidnapped some kids from a settlement we protect, it seems to be their thing" you say with a sigh.

Javier shakes his head at this and frowns, "Yeah... I'm worried because I sent someone there around the same time, I just hope she got outta there safely".

"Don't worry Javi, she got out, I can feel it" Gabe says trying to comfort Javier who you first assumed was his father, but after him addressing Javier by his name, you're confused.

"Umm anyways" you interrupt, trying to get the meeting back on track, "We think it would be best if both our groups worked together".

Javier nods and gets up out of his chair, "Yeah I think that would be a good idea" he says scratching his head slightly, "But how would we do it?".

Captain Anderson puts a hand on Javier's shoulder and smiles, "We can train your people up and in turn, you can help us fight the Delta. It's as easy as that".

Javier's eyes narrow and you can tell he's thinking, "What would we owe you?" he asks sceptically.

You glance at Anderson, Javier does have a point; all that Militia training just given to Richmond for free? The Militia doesn't even train up the people of Dixieland or the other small settlements that get protected.

"Don't worry about that" Anderson says in reply, "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it".

A/N: If you are interested in creating a character that may end up being used in this book, I recommend you check out the previous chapter which will explain how to do so!

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Thank you to everyone that has been reading so far and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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