Chapter 24: Oh Deer...

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That Night

Chloe's POV:

You wake up to a noise and sit up quickly, wiping the drool from the corner of your mouth as your eyes scan the room. You watch as the door to the apartment slowly creaks open to reveal... "Jessie?" you ask as she peeks her head around the door.

"I, uhhh, I just wanted to check in on Y/N" she whispers as she slips into the room, "Is that okay?".

You give a shallow sigh and nod, "Sure" you say quietly, trying not to disturb Y/N who still hasn't woken since he fell asleep. Jessie grabs a chair and pulls it up on the opposite side of the bed before sitting down and giving a faint smile. "How is he?" she asks.

You glance over at him on the bed, "He's fine" you say with a grimace of disapproval on your face, since when did Jessie actually care about him?

She smiles and looks down at his face, "Y/N's quite peaceful when he's sleeping isn't he?" she asks softly. You ignore her comment and she looks over to you, "I still have feelings for him" she says. Your heart drops and you begin to feel sick, what if Y/N gets back with her?

"And it's clear you have feelings for him" she adds, narrowing her eyes at you, "But if he felt the same way about you, you would both be dating already" she says. You open your mouth in disgust and are about to say something in reply but before you can, Jessie gets up and exits the apartment; leaving you alone with Y/N, his slow breathing the only noise penetrating the otherwise silent night.

The Next Morning

You're sitting with the others eating breakfast, Y/N is still in bed; he's not woken up yet. The doctor said that you shouldn't worry and that he'll wake up soon but the only thing you can do is worry, what if the doctor is wrong?

Dixieland has calmed down a lot since yesterday and people are assuming their normal jobs in the town as if nothing ever happened. The identity of the shooter however, is still unknown much to your irritation.

There have been whispers between the members of the Militia that the Rangers are on their way here and that they aren't too happy with what happened to Y/N, something which you hope doesn't end in more violence; but probably will.

After a miserable breakfast, you head back to the apartment to check on Y/N and unsurprisingly he's still asleep. "Please wake up soon" you sigh to yourself as you look at him wrapped up in a blanket that you had found for him.

You hear a loud bang outside and run out of the apartment to investigate, grabbing your gun from its holster as you go. 

Captain Anderson's POV:

"How the fuck does Ghost manage to get shot?" Bear asks as you all continue your hike towards Dixieland.

"In the head as well" Goldilocks adds with a chuckle.

"And yet he's still alive" Bug says with a nod, "He's a tough fucker that's for sure".

"Be quiet" you murmur angrily, "We need to remain vigilant, the Delta could be watching us". This seems to shut everyone up and you continue the walk in relative silence except from the occasional chirp of a bird far off in the distance. 

You heard from the radio that a gun was fired at Dixieland which resulted in a member of the Militia being injured, it took another half hour however to find out that it was Y/N who got shot as well as the extent of his injuries. You're worried that the doctor may have been a bit too optimistic.

"The doctor did say he'd be fine, right?" Cutter asks as if he can read your thoughts.

"Hopefully" you respond calmly, in truth however, you aren't sure of how bad the wound actually was, you only know what was said on the radio which didn't paint an accurate picture of what happened to begin with; although according to the radio operator, Y/N is alive which is a good start. 

The walk takes you up a winding road and through some hills, once you crest the hills you won't have too much more walking to do before you reach Dixieland so it's not far now until you can check up on Y/N, you hope he's okay.

Something doesn't feel right though and you look around to check on the others, everyone is tense as you walk onwards towards Dixieland, but that can be explained pretty easily by the circumstances of your journey, still, you can't help but think something is wrong.

A flock of birds take off in the near distance, squawking loudly as they fly. "Something disturbed them" you say, squinting in the direction they came from, unfortunately there are too many trees in the way to see properly.

"Might be spooked by an infected?" Cutter asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Or a horde of them" Bear chimes in with a wink, the others chuckle slightly and shake their heads at this, despite how amusing that comment was, you still have a bad feeling inside you.

"Just stay extra alert" you order with a voice that airs an atmosphere of authority. Everyone stops laughing and becomes serious, they know when to have a laugh and when to be professional, and this is one of those times where they need to be professional and focus; anything could be lurking out there, anything or anyone.

The forest that envelopes the road you're on has now become silent, no birds or insects can be heard. Goldilocks chambers a round in his AK47, "I don't like this" he says nervously, "Something ain't right".

"Agreed" you reply scanning around for any movement, you aren't going to turn back and you certainly aren't going to stop, whatever it is out there is going to have to face you all.

The bushes on the left hand side of the road begin to shake, you all raise your rifles to it, you take a deep breath, ready for anything. A deer jumps out and stops dead in its tracks, staring at you before bounding across the road and back into the forest; you watch until it goes out of sight.

"Scared the shit outta me" Cutter laughs, you can tell that he's nervous as well, you don't blame him, you're definitely on edge yourself. You all continue walking on, you've just about made it over the hills now so you're very close; only around 3 miles to go.

Chloe's POV:

The street seems crowded but as you run down it you can see a few men wrestling with another. By the time you reach them they have him pinned down, "What's going on?" you ask them.

One of the men looks up at you, "This is the fucker that shot the Ranger!" he growls, as the guy on the floor tries to wriggle free from his grip. You look down and recognise the outfit very well. 

"And we're pretty sure this guy isn't even from Dixieland" another man says angrily.

You hear more footsteps pounding on the road and turn to see Mr Johnson and a few guards running towards you, "What in the hell is going on?" Johnson shouts with concern. The men let go of the guy on the floor and step away.

"We caught that fucker snooping around the armoury" one of the men says.

"And we're pretty sure he was the one that shot that Ranger on the horse" another says with a raised voice, trying to properly explain the situation.

Mr Johnson's eyes light up at this and he grins slightly, "Well I heard that the Rangers are on their way so we'll lock the fucker up as a little gift for them" he says, "Good work boys" he adds with a nod as they take the man away.

He turns to you, "Is Y/N awake yet?" he asks.

"Yes" Y/N's voice carries down the road. You turn to see Y/N walking towards you both with a smile on his face, "Can't kill me that easy" he says with a chuckle.

A/N: Today (4th of August) is my birthday so I probably won't be doing any writing today or tomorrow, hopefully this won't delay the next chapter but if it does, it won't delay it by much so don't worry.

Also, each vote on this chapter = one happy birthday wish :)

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