Chapter 36: To The Delta!

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Dixieland's oppressive walls stretch around you like a prison, and you're going to escape. The ambush decimated Alpha Team with around a quarter of them dying and another quarter of them in need of urgent medical care. There's also a blizzard on the approach and it doesn't look good.

The Rangers didn't fare much better off; with Goldilocks dead and Bug in surgery. This is fucked. You're gonna make the Delta pay for what they've done, for who they've killed. You'll slaughter them all.

You stand outside Dixieland's hospital, the place you're supposed to be resting after the "Trauma" you've experienced today. But you have no concern for rest right now, you're gonna bring the fight to Delta and you're gonna do it tonight.

You sneak to Dixieland's perimeter wall and look for an easy way over it. You spot a section that has some barbed wire missing and quickly scale the wall, landing quietly on the other side. You remember the rough area of where the Delta camp was located, it should be easy to spot and sneak up on as long as you're careful and don't just waltz around the place carelessly. Snow hounds down on you, your blood feels like it's freezing inside you.

As you push deeper into the forest, you stop next to a big tree to figure out your next move carefully. You have your rifle and some ammunition for it, as well as your pistol and machete; both of which never leave your side anyway. You reach down and pick up a handful of dirt, snow and leaves from the ground, smearing it all over your face and any other part of your body where skin is being shown.

"This'll help with camouflage" you mutter to yourself as you finish up and begin to move on again, "I just wish I had my damn mask with me, to really strike fear in them". 

An amber glow emanates through the trees ahead, almost piercing the darkness with a fiery hue. As you sneak closer, you see a group of Delta soldiers huddled around a campfire, drinking and being merry, "Another great ambush!" one of them exclaims as he stands up and raises a bottle, "To the Delta!".

A chorus of "To the Delta!" echoes through the camp, and a murderous, almost primal urge to kill creeps upon you. From your hiding place among the trees at the edge of their camp, you raise your AK47 and begin the slaughter.






That's how many you manage to shoot before they even have time to react. The sixth soldier gets shot in the throat and stumbles around before eventually falling face first into the fire, dimming the only light source.

A seventh lets off a couple shots with her pistol before her skull is ruptured by one of your rounds. As you shoot the eighth and ninth soldier you hear a harsh, guttural sound. It gets louder and louder. After the tenth soldier you realise the noise is you; you were yelling and you didn't even realise.

As you gun down what feels like the one hundredth Delta soldier, you empty the last bullet from you rifle's chamber and look at the carnage all around you. Bodies lay strewn across the campsite, arms stretching out for weapons they couldn't quite reach in time.

Now that your anger has passed, all you feel is pity. Pity for the people you just killed, pity for the members of the Militia who lost their lives, and most of all; pity for yourself. Well, pity and shame that is. You never really wanted to be a killer yet here you are, probably one of the best in the Militia as well.

You drop your empty rifle on the ground and rub your eyes, you can feel tears forming but you won't let them out; you won't cry.

You hear the crack of twigs behind you and turn, unholstering your pistol. A man runs towards you with a claw hammer raised. You squeeze the trigger twice and watch as he collapses to the floor, clutching the newly formed holes in his chest.


You feel a sharp pain in your right arm and instantly drop your pistol. You look down to see what has happened but there's way too much blood, it might not even be all yours. A woman with a rifle steps out from behind a tree and begins to bark orders. You see other members of the Delta emerge from nearby trees and bushes. Confusion creeps in.

You manage to unsheathe your machete with your left hand and get ready to fight; you're not about to give up just yet. The woman chuckles and looks you up and down, "Wow, aren't you a just a fully trained killer!" she says mockingly, "Although, with the amount of blood you're covered in, I'm not too concerned".

She's right not to be concerned, your right arm is pounding and refusing to let you move it, your vision is darkening, and you can swear that the whole forest is tilting to one sid-.

You wake up in a cage. There's nothing special about it apart from the fact that it's made of wood as opposed to metal and the fact that it's sitting outside, in what seems to be the freezing cold grounds of the Delta base.

Judging by the winter sky, you would say that it's now early morning. You try to move your right arm but it just hangs limp by your side, something which you hope will not be too much of a problem. You sit up in the cage and look around, it's only just big enough to fit one person so you can't really move around but that doesn't bother you too much, what does is the girl glaring at you from the other side of the bars.

Your head is a bit foggy, most likely due to the blood loss, but after a couple of seconds you recognise her; she's that girl with the ginger hair from the other night, and she looks pissed.

"You're a fucking murderer, do you know how many of our people you slaughtered?" she yells into your face, her breath creating a mist in the cold air. You open your mouth to ask her why she killed that other ginger girl but decide to keep that close to your chest, you don't want the Delta to know they were being spied on.

She waits a couple seconds for you to reply but when you don't she continues, laying it on thick; "You're so lucky that Lilly was impressed by you, otherwise you'd be dead" she states. You keep your mouth shut and the silence finally gets to her. She slams her hands against your cage and huffs off.

You massage your right arm which has a bandage on it, you decide not to look underneath it just in case the damage is bad; you'd rather not know right now and just focus on an escape plan.

"Hello" a woman's voice says, you look up and realise that the woman from last night is there before you, crouched down in front of the cage.

"Fuck you!" you growl angrily. 

She rolls her eyes, "I'm Lilly" she says calmly, "What's your name?".

"Fuck you" you repeat with a slightly lowered tone, trying to match her calm demeanor. You continue rubbing your arm and she takes notice.

"Oh I wouldn't worry about your arm" she says nicely, "You were shot with a dart gun, it's going to be numb for a day or two as the drugs slowly leave your system".

That explains why you're struggling to process your thoughts properly, you had just assumed it was due to blood loss. "Where am I?" you ask, already knowing exactly where you are, you can practically see across the river to where you and the others were hiding the other night.

"You're at the Delta" she answers jangling a set of keys, "Here, I'll show you around".

A/N: Hello everyone,

To all of you that celebrate Christmas, I hope you have an amazing one!!

To those of you that don't, I still hope you have an amazing day.

Sorry for not being as quick to publish chapters but I've been really busy with work. I assure you however, I am still committed to writing this book and am not going to stop writing it any time soon.

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