Chapter 45: The Forsaken

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You look out over the lake and smile. The weather has been pretty good lately and despite the war, nothing too bad has happened. David Carris even found a group of survivors that were more than willing to join the ranks of the Militia. Life is good.

The other Rangers are also sat by the lake, contemplating, daydreaming, or whatever it is they're up to. It's rare that you all get to relax but you haven't been needed for anything for the past couple weeks.

"Fucking hell why won't this thing work!" Bug growls as he messes with the Delta radio that was taken from the hospital.

You roll your eyes and lean back against a tree, closing your eyes as you allow the soft breeze to drift over you. A sudden crackle from the Delta radio jolts your eyes open as you turn to see what's going on.

"So the attack on Dixieland will happen tonight?" one voice asks.

"Obviously" another voice replies. This voice you all know to be one of the leaders of the Delta but you don't have a name for him.

"Weren't we gonna wait for Lilly to come back with those new recruits?" a third voice asks.

"Obviously we were" a fourth voice says, this one being female, "But it's been a week and we haven't heard from her. We can't delay any longer".

You stand up and brush yourself off, "We need to tell the General about this" you say to the others. They all nod in silent agreement, the thought of an all out attack on Dixieland brings to you the true gravity of the situation. In haste, you all rush to the General's office and barge through the door.

The General looks ill. His skin pale and sweaty, his grey hair falling out, and his eyes; sunken deep into his skull. "What in the-" he protests as he looks up from his desk at you all.

"The Delta are planning an attack on Dixieland" Captain Anderson says, snatching the Delta radio from Bug and handing it to the General who listens intently to it for a few seconds.

"There's nothing we can do for them" the General replies bluntly, "We'll just have to hope that the Wolves can defend the town on their own".

Hulk slams his hands on the General's desk which startles the withering man. "We cannot do that" he growls, raising his voice at the General who turns his face in disgust.

"I'm merely protecting the Militia" the General hisses, his face turning a shade of red, "You wouldn't understand".

Your eyes narrow, the Wolves; Chloe's unit, needs all the help they can get to defend the town and you'll be damned if you're gonna stand there and do nothing. Your hand lowers gradually to your sidearm and you feel the cold metal in your palm. With well trained ease you unholster the gun and raise it to the General, pressing the tip of the barrel to his skull.

"Sergeant, what the fuck are you doing?" the General scowls, trying to keep his calm.

Bug grabs your hand and slowly lowers your gun. "We don't need to do this Ghost" he says, glaring at the General.

Captain Anderson spits on the floor and turns to the door, "C'mon boys, we'll join Dixieland's defence".

You make your way to the door and look back to the General, "Do not betray my orders like this!" he shouts as you all exit the cabin and make your way to the front gates. Hulk and Bear jog off to grab the rifles from the Ranger's cabin and meet you back at the front gate, which is being unceremoniously dragged open by two Militia soldiers who have no idea about the argument that just broke out with the General.

Around 10 minutes into your trek to Dixieland you hear a crackle, but instead of it being the Delta radio, it is in fact the Militia one. "The Rangers have betrayed our wonderful community" the General booms through the mic, "You are to kill on sight if you see them".

"Well that's just fucking fantastic" you growl, scratching at the scars on your arms furiously.

Bug spits on the ground, "We've been forsaken by that old shit!" he says scornfully, "And now apparently we're the enemy?".

"That's actually a pretty good name" Bear chimes in.

Bug pulls a face, "What, forsaken?".

"Oh yeah" Hulk says, "We could rename ourselves to be The Forsaken!".

Anderson grins, you do to, "The Forsaken it is then" he says in somewhat high spirits.

You slip on your mask and let out a sigh, it's still a decent walk until your arrival at Dixieland. You just hope that the attack doesn't start before you get there.

A/N: I have decided that I am going to change the cover art of the book as  I can always change it again and again as many times as I want.

Hell, maybe someone will make their own cover art of this book and I decide to use it.

Who knows.

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