Chapter 18: Strawberry Lip Gloss

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The jeep pulls up to a small clearing, Bear turns off the ignition and you both get out. The rest of the Rangers are already here getting ready, you and Bear put on your masks and join the others. "Right listen up" Captain Anderson's voice bellows through the sound of the heavy rain which seems to fill your ears.

"We'll go in hard, fast, and silent" he says addressing you all. There's a murmuring of agreement from everyone and you all begin to slink your way silently through the forest. As you approach the camp you realise that it's a pretty decent size, there must be a couple dozen bandits living here.

Everyone splits off into pairs, you go with Gandalf and you both crouch in a bush observing the camp for a suitable entry point. He points at a bandit who's currently chopping some firewood at the edge of the camp. You nod realising what he wants you to do and silently unsheathe your machete, advancing towards the unsuspecting bandit. 

You creep out the bushes and swiftly reach him, swinging your machete into the side of his neck. You hear a gurgling sound as you yank it from his throat and watch as he falls to the floor clutching the wound you caused. He tries to call for help but no words come out and he just lies there looking up at you.

You back away towards some bushes but as you do, you spot a bandit staring at you in horror. You lock eyes with him, seeing the fear in his eyes; you continue to back out of view. Another bandit walks over to the man, "Hey Clive, what's wrong man? You look like you've seen a ghost" he says with a chuckle.

The bandit who saw you just continues to stare in your direction, you're positive he can't see you anymore; but he's watching nevertheless. The second guy looks over to what Clive was looking at and freezes, "Holy shit" he whispers looking at the body of his comrade.

Gandalf sneaks up behind him and jams a knife into the guys throat, you emerge and walk towards the traumatized bandit who's still standing in shock. You hit him in the balls, causing him to collapse onto the floor in pain. You lift your foot up and stomp on his head knocking him out. "We gotta leave him alive, for psychological warfare" you say to Gandalf who is already making his way towards the next targets.

You walk with him towards a tent, there are three silhouettes inside. You both run in as to not give them a chance to fight back. You swing your machete, the bloody blade bites into the flesh of a woman who was doing up her laces. Her shoulder breaks under the impact and you take another swing cracking her in the skull. This causes her to go limp and crash to the ground dead.

You look to Gandalf who has already killed one and is in the process of slitting the other's throat. You give him a quick thumbs up and exit the tent looking for the next bandits. You see five of them around a nearby campfire. Gandalf leaves the tent and stands next to you presumably looking at what you're seeing. "We can't take them all on stealthily" he sighs trying to decide what to do.

A quick burst of gunshots echo through the camp causing the bandits by the campfire to jump up and reach for their weapons. You and Gandalf nod to each other and raise your AK47s and open fire into the group. You both take single shots as fully automatic is a waste of bullets. Precise shots from your guns hit the bandits in the head killing them instantly.

"Make sure the camp is completely clear!" Anderson's voice yells from somewhere in the vicinity. You breathe a sigh of relief, this means that all the bandits should, in theory, be dead. You and Gandalf do a sweep of your area and, once satisfied, make your way to the centre of the bandit camp.

"Captain, I have Y/N's nickname!" Gandalf says ripping off his mask and pocketing it. He has a big grin.

"Well, what is it?" Anderson asks as the others all regroup. Gandalf points to you and is still grinning, "Ghost" he says dramatically before explaining the events of the first bandit you attacked.

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