Chapter 39: Escapee

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The Present:

You look back at Minerva's unconscious body. Was she there to help you out? Do you even care?

You dart between a couple buildings and try to figure out a strategy. The main building has a rooftop garden that you could probably get a good vantage point from, or alternatively you could just make a break for the fence surrounding the base and try to scramble over it as fast as possible.

You decide ultimately that it's better to get the lay of the land so you begin to make your way towards the main building of the Delta compound. It's a white two story building that looks akin to a warehouse. A fire escape ladder hangs on the side inviting you to climb up.

You ascend the first few rungs of the ladder before you hear Lilly's voice drift through one of the windows of the building. "What the fuck is going on?" she asks aggressively. You hear the shuffle of feet from inside.

"I don't know, no one said anything about an attack" another voice replies. The voice sounds familiar but you can't quite picture who it is.

"Ethan" Lilly says calmly, "You were brought in to be our spy in the Militia and you can't even do that properly". A slap sound echoes from the window and a whimper can be heard. Your breath catches in your throat and you almost choke. The Delta have a spy in the Militia, and it's Ethan.

Is that why he turned into a goodie two-shoes and sidled up with as many important people as possible? He's always been an asshole but this is the cherry on top.

The Militia need to find out who he really is.

You continue your climb and reach the roof of the building.  A garden is spread out in front of you with automatic sprinklers spraying occasionally over the fruit and vegetables that are being grown.

A woman stands at the far end of the building facing away from you. With trembling hands you aim the crossbow at her, adrenaline coursing through you. You fire, piercing a bolt straight through her skull. Her body flops over the railings on the edge of the building and she falls out of view. You hear a yelp of surprise and can only guess she landed on or near someone else.

You scamper to the edge of the building and look out over the railing towards the perimeter fence. The gunfire seems to be coming from what appears to be a hole blown into the fence. That's gonna have to be your exit. You've just gotta figure out how to get there without being shot.

You make your way back down the ladder and creep around the side of the building towards the hole in the fence. Unfortunately for you, there's about a 30 metre sprint to the fence with no cover. Smoke starts pouring out the hole in the fence and you see a figure emerge wearing a skull balaclava. He waves you over and begins shooting at an unseen enemy. You take a deep breath and go, running as fast as your legs can carry you.

You reach the man who grabs you by the collar and throws you through the hole in the fence before pulling the pin on what looks like a grenade and dropping it down at his feet. It explodes with a burst of light and smoke. A lot of smoke.

"Don't ever run off like that again!" the man, who you can identify by his voice is Captain Anderson, yells at you. "You could've and very well should've died you idiot".

You do feel stupid, and as you pick yourself up off the floor, realise how worried everyone must've been. "I'm sorry" you manage to mumble to him.

He shakes his head, not even acknowledging you've spoken to him. "Come on, we need to get back to the others" he says calmly.

It must've been a 5 minute walk to reach the "others". In reality, the only people here at the clearing you've been led to are a couple soldiers from Dixieland, and Cutter; who looks very pleased to see you.

"We kept you waiting, huh?" Cutter exclaims with a grin, "In our defence, we have been watching you incase they tried an impromptu execution whilst we were figuring out an escape plan".

You let out a snort and glance over to Anderson who's ripped his mask from his face and is leaning against a tree, "The grand plan you came up with was to just blow a hole in their fence?".

"Umm no" Anderson says bluntly, "I had Hulk and Bear sneak into their base and plant bombs to create a diversion. We also have Bug sitting in a car nearby for a quick getaway despite the fact he's only just come out of surgery and should be resting".

Your face goes bright red and you decide that you're not gonna speak for the rest of the day. The others clearly worked hard trying to get you out of that hellhole and you'll be damned if you say anything else to annoy Anderson.

Your small group eventually reaches the car where Hulk, Bear, and Bug are waiting with a few other soldiers from Dixieland. One of the soldiers nods to Anderson and walks off into the forest surrounding the clearing. A few seconds later you hear an engine and a second car lurches out from some bushes.

"Us Rangers are going in Bug's car and you lot can follow behind in the other one" Anderson says to one of the soldiers who nods and starts beckoning the others to get in the car.

Captain Anderson then points to the car that Dixieland's soldiers are piling into, "You're gonna have to go with them as ours doesn't have enough space" he says, again, rather bluntly.

To you, it looks like the car does have enough room but you aren't going to argue with him. You reluctantly walk over to the Dixieland car and hop in. They seem to be whooping and celebrating at this small victory, despite not really doing anything themselves. You aren't going to tell them that though, obviously.

Suffering: Male Reader x TWDGWhere stories live. Discover now