Chapter 10: Partners

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A/N: A patrol cap is the hat I showed in the INFO chapter

You decide to walk to the training ground and practice the rope climb a few times. Unsurprisingly you struggle so decide to give up and head to the cafeteria. By now it is just about to be breakfast time in fact as you enter, you can already see a queue starting to form. You join it and after a few minutes the line starts moving. You reach the front and grab a bowl of porridge before heading to a table and sitting down.

Soon enough, the others join you and start talking about the day ahead. You don't really care, you have already decided that you need to focus on whatever task is given to you. It is the only way to survive. What was it the sign said in your dream? Strength and survival? This needs to be your new outlook on life. "Umm, Y/N, you there?" you hear as someone waves their hand in front of your face.

You realise you were zoned out, you look around and realise everyone in the entire cafeteria is standing up facing the front. You do the same and whisper to Mark "Yo what's going on?". He leans back towards you and replies "Every year, they sort the next batch of people into their new units. It is a huge deal". You look at the front and see about ten adults as well as Mia. "I'm confused aren't they already soldiers and isn't Mia still fourteen?" you say to him.

He turns to you and starts explaining the details "During your punishment weren't you training with them? Essentially the adults are volunteers who have just passed training and Mia is fifteen in three months but considering they do this once a year, why wait a whole year before she can be put to work?". You nod at this explanation after all, it's pretty logical.

The General starts reading names off a list before telling them where they will be put and giving them their patrol cap. From what you know, it seems that you only receive your patrol cap after finishing your training. You don't hear anyone get put into The Rangers. Mia is the last to get called out. "Recruit Mia, The Wolves".

You hear a group of people in the opposite corner of the cafeteria start howling, you assume that would be The Wolves. Everyone claps as people sit back down and carry on eating. You see Mia walk towards The Wolves and sit down at their table. "Well, looks like she won't want to hang out with us anymore" Jacob says looking like he's slightly hurt. "Can you blame her?" You ask sarcastically as everyone laughs. 

After breakfast its time for training, on the way to the training grounds people are debating what it will be today. "We haven't done running in a while" Oliver says. You almost forgot he existed as he is way too quiet for a ten year old. You all reach the training grounds and line up side by side waiting for Sergeant Edwards. For the first time ever he is late.

"I wonder if he's okay" Chloe says looking around. "I saw him this morning chopping wood" you say in reply. After a few more minutes you can see him heading towards you all. He reaches you and starts apologising, "Sorry for being late, I had a meeting to attend and it took longer than expected" he says as he holds a clipboard. "Today we will be trying something new. You are going to have a partner and will be exercising with them for hopefully, if you don't fall out with them, the rest of the year".

He looks down at the clipboard before continuing "I wanted to try to partner you with someone of the opposite gender as you probably won't know them as well and it would promote bonding and teamwork". He starts flicking through the pages as Jessie puts a hand up. He looks at her and nods for her to ask her question.

"Can I go with Y/N sir? I promised I would teach him the rope climb". Edwards furrows his brow like he is in deep thought. "Well, letting you pick who you are with sort of defeats the purpose but we have all seen how bad Y/N is on the rope climb so I'll allow it" He says with a chuckle before adding "Don't worry Y/N, the others have been here longer than you and most of them aren't any better".

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