Prologue Chapter 3: A Promise Broken

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You sat there for a long time. Just waiting. Worrying. Listening. Eventually you got bored. You read your comic and ate your chocolate bar. Then the gunfire stopped, yet no-one came for you. You decided you had to do something so slowly and carefully you climbed out of the ditch you were in and snuck through the trees making your way back to camp.

One of the first things you noticed were the corpses. Dead biters were everywhere. "This must have been that horde Dad talked about" you mutter to yourself as you silently move closer to camp. As you get closer you can hear voices. You decide to circle around the camp to see what is going on. As you move you notice a familiar looking corpse. Your mother.

"Mum, can you hear me" you whisper in her ear. She doesn't reply. Her eyes are a dirty grey colour and it seems half her throat was ripped out. She tries to grab you. You know what she is now, you've seen it happen before. You kick her away and look around. You back away slowly as she stands up and turns towards you. As she approaches she trips over a biter corpse. You look around again and see a machete sticking out of the head of a dead biter.

You dash towards it and attempt to pull it out. It's stuck. Your mother gets back up and approaches yet again. You put your foot on the corpses back and after a huge struggle you manage to pull the machete out of its head. You turn to face your mother just as she reaches you. But once again she stumbles over another corpse and lands on top of you.

You start to panic and try to push her off. Her face is about an inch away from yours and her jaw is snapping open and closed trying to eat you, consume you, kill you. You try to plead with her, beg for her to stop but to no avail "Please, its me, Y/N. Your son. Please mum don't do this".

She isn't in there anymore. It isn't her. It's hungry, and it really wants you. You manage to summon all your strength and push it off of you, before raising the machete and slamming it down on its head cutting off its nose. You bring the machete down again. This time it got stuck in its skull. You yank the machete out and bring it back down on the biters head this time killing it. You look at your hands covered in thick and unusually dark blood. Your eyes are full of tears as you slowly turn away from the corpse.

Whatever you killed was not your mother anymore. It was a biter and it needed to be dealt with. You carry on with your plan and sneak around the camp hiding in the bushes as you go. You peak out and see a group of men with automatic weapons standing around pointing their guns at some people who are on their knees. You realise those people are your father and some other people from your group. You start to shake and grip the machete tighter. You see a man with a leather jacket and a baseball bat standing in front of them.

He's talking to your father but you cant hear what is being said. All of a sudden he punches your father in the stomach and starts laughing. All the anger burns inside you. Your mothers death, not being trusted to go out scavenging, not having any friends, and especially, your anger at that man for hitting your father.

But you made a promise to run and hide.

A stupid promise.

A promise that should be broken.

A promise you didn't want to make.

A promise you will break.

Suffering: Male Reader x TWDGWhere stories live. Discover now