Prologue Chapter 5: An End?

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You wake up to the sun beating down upon you through the car windows. You search the car for anything useful and find a small pocket knife in the glovebox. "Could be good for something" you mutter to yourself before opening the door and climbing out the car.

You start walking in the same direction you were walking the night before hoping that, if you continue on this road you will get to a town or at least a house or two that you can loot. Your stomach grumbles as you hold it. "I'll eat soon, hopefully" you sigh clutching your stomach. You grab your fathers dog tags and contemplate before deciding to put them around your neck. "You'll always be with me now Dad. Wherever you are".

After a couple of hours you reach a farmhouse with a small wire fence around it. You decide to check the house out looking for any supplies that you may need - especially food. You walk up the narrow lane connecting the house to the road you were on and reach the front porch. You reach for the door handle and stop. You decide to knock the door in case anyone is home, wouldn't want to be confused for a biter, or an intruder.

After you're sure that no-ones going to answer the door you twist the door handle. "Damn, locked" you say looking for another way in. You spot a small rock and decide to smash a window and climb in. As you wind up the throw you are reminded of the days before the apocalypse when you used to play baseball with you father whilst your mother would read under the shade of the big tree in your garden.

You never had much father and son time because before you knew it he would be deployed again and you wouldn't see him for months. Every time you would receive the news that he would be returning you would get so happy. You would tell everyone at school including your teacher and nothing could upset you for a week. Then when he would come back you'd tell him everything you got up to. You remember getting the news that he was MIA, the Cave Story as he calls it. You were crushed.

Then you remember the joy being told a week later that he was found. You don't know the full story of what happened in the cave, he never told you. But you do know that Nathan and him were the only ones that came out the cave alive. He left the army after that. He was offered therapy but declined it. Your mother didn't agree with it. In fact they disagreed about everything after that. There were constant arguments. It took the end of the world for them to reconcile and act like your parents again. God you miss them.

The rock smashes into the window shattering it. You use your machete to break away the rest of the glass to make sure you don't cut yourself when climbing in. Once satisfied, you hop through the window and look around. It was old and had dirty wooden floorboards which creaked with every step. All of the furniture had a thick layer of dust on it, furniture of which looked like it went out of fashion in the eighties.

You walk your way to the kitchen and search the cupboards. "Shit, it's goddamn empty" you sigh to yourself as you sit down on a stool and bury your head in your hands. You get up deciding its best not to waste time getting upset and move on to the next room. This room had a few couches, an armchair, and a big fireplace with a shotgun mounted above.

You take the shotgun and examine it in your hands. It looks dirty but still in usable condition if you had ammunition for it. You sling it on your back as you continue to search the house. As you make your way upstairs one of the steps gives in and your foot goes through getting twisted.

You let out a yell of surprise before yanking it out. once you hobble upstairs you sit down on the floor and examine your ankle. It's bleeding slightly and hurts when you put your weight on it. You push through the pain and explore the upstairs. Nothing. As you get to the last door you notice a smell. Rotting. Rotting human. "A biter" you whisper to yourself as you raise your machete and get ready to open the door.

As you open the door, you step back to prepare for a fight but the smell hits you bad. You start choking and your eyes are watering. You wipe them quickly and examine the room. At the end is a double bed with two rotting corpses laying on it. You cautiously approach and notice an empty bottle of pills on the bedside table, a note, and a key. You read the note.

To our dear Joe or whoever finds us,

When news of the outbreak reached us we thought we would be fine, safe even. It's a farm after all, we couldn't possibly run out of food. Well, we did. To Joe, our son, we're so sorry. If you're a stranger who has stumbled upon us we, apologise for what you have had to see. We took half a bottle of pills each, a shot of whiskey, and will shoot ourselves.

You look at the bodies and see a revolver in the dead mans hand you look back at the letter and continue reading

The key is for the safe under the floorboards in the kitchen it should have some ammunition for our shotgun and some basic medical supplies. Take it. Its all yours.

From Mary and John

You put the letter back down and take the key. You slowly shuffle out the room careful to not put too much weight on your foot and head back downstairs to the kitchen and after prying up some of the floor boards with your machete, you find the safe which was had a few shotgun shells and a first aid kit.

You open the first aid kit, grab a bandage and wrap it around your ankle making sure to tighten it. You then stuff the first aid kit in your bag and load the shotgun before making your way back to the broken window. Looks like you will have to find food elsewhere. Whilst climbing out the window you put too much pressure on your ankle and slip onto the ground.

Your body feels wet and as you look down you realise that you landed on the broken glass which has cut up your arms pretty good. You notice a small group of biters approaching the porch. "Must be the remnants of the horde" you say to yourself as you leave the porch and slowly hobble in the opposite direction of the biters who are now following you.

Continuing down the dirt lane you realise you are heading into another forest. You look behind and see the biters still on your trail. You can't walk much faster than them with your twisted ankle, and with you leaving a trail of blood dripping from your arms, you don't think you will be able to hide. They would surely smell you.

You keep running until you stop at the top of a rocky ridge. It's about a 12 foot drop down to a main road. You turn back around and see the biters continuing to approach. You grab the shotgun and aim it at the nearest biter and pull the trigger.


You weren't expecting the huge amount of recoil and the gun flew out of your hands as you fall backwards off the edge hitting the road with a cracking sound. Your vision starts to go blurry and you watch as the biters start throwing themselves down the same ridge chasing after you.

You try to sit up but your whole body is in agony and your vision goes dark. You hear the biters get closer and closer until you hear a gunshot, then some more shots. You hear heavy footsteps approach you and feel a hand grab you as you are lifted onto someone's shoulder.

"Hey you're okay kid we got you just stay with us alright" says the voice of the person carrying you.

"Is this kid one of ours?" you hear another voice ask.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know? I mean shit, probably" says a third voice.

"Fuck... What was he doing out here? The General ain't gonna be too happy" shouts yet another voice.

"Lets just get him to the truck and back to camp" commands the voice of the person carrying you.

You can feel yourself slowly drifting away as more gunshots can be heard.

Suffering: Male Reader x TWDGWhere stories live. Discover now