Chapter 14: Beyond Repair?

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Some time has passed and it is now the day you have been waiting for, sorting day. Today is where you and a few of the others will find out where you will be going. It has already been Jessies birthday but no one celebrated it as it was so close to the sorting day that you have all been too busy being reviewed to determine your places in the Militia. However, you and Jessie did get to hang out for a bit on her birthday so it wasn't all bad.

Chloe apparently had an accident the day you went to the bandit camp but she has since recovered, she won't tell you what happened though so you assume it was pretty embarrassing but from the sound of it she was hurt pretty bad. You get up at 6:00 and make your way to your extra training with the Rangers.

You chat with them as they teach you some self defence techniques. You have noticed recently that Mark is extremely hostile towards you and although he hasn't actually tried anything yet, you don't think it will be that long until he does. Once it's time for breakfast, the men you were training with fist bump you as you all make your way to the cafeteria. You grab a bowl and make your way to the table sitting down and beginning to eat.

As the others sit down you can sense the nervousness. You are also slightly on edge as you are thinking about where you will be put. If it is with the Rangers you are slightly worried as they are clearly put in more danger than any other unit. As breakfast finishes, You, Jessie, Chloe, Harvey, Mark and Ethan all make your way to the front as the General produces a piece of paper and the cafeteria goes silent. "It is time for this years sorting ceremony" his voice booms as everyone starts clapping.

The General looks down at the paper and looks back up at the crowd, "Recruit Chloe, the Wolves". There is a volley of howling and clapping as Chloe smiles taking her patrol cap and heading off to the Wolves table and sitting down next to Mia. After the clapping stops the General reads off the next name "Recruit Mark, Bravo team".

Mark puts on his patrol cap and smirks as there is a round of applause and he makes his way over to Bravo teams table. The General once again reads off the piece of paper, "Recruit Harvey, Sabre team" he gratefully accepts his patrol cap before making his way to Sabre teams table. The General waits a few seconds for the clapping to stop before continuing, "Recruit Ethan, the Hunters" as he puts on his patrol cap and makes his way to their table he smiles at you.

You aren't sure whether he was being nice to you or not but you don't have time to dwell on it as the next name is called, "Recruit Jessica, Alpha team" she smiles and nudges you gently as she accepts her cap and makes her way to a table. "And finally" the General say building up suspense, "Recruit Y/N, the Rangers".

You shake hands with the General and put on your patrol cap before making your way to a table at the far end of the cafeteria where you can see all the members of the Rangers standing up and clapping rather aggressively with massive smiles on their faces.

You reach the table and Captain Anderson shakes your hand "Hello there Ranger Y/N, pleasure to meet you" he says chuckling before sitting you down at the table and patting you on the back. 

After breakfast you make your way out of the cafeteria and have a sigh of relief, you are glad it's over now, you no longer have to focus on impressing everyone; this does not mean you aren't going to put in effort anymore, it just means you can relax slightly and enjoy the moment.

You make your way to the boys quarters to gather your things and take them to the Rangers cabin. A couple Rangers went with you to give you the rundown of how they operate, "I'm Bug and this is Gandalf" he says pointing to the other Ranger who has a trimmed grey beard. "Well I can guess why they call you Gandalf" you say pointing at the man with the grey beard, "But why do they call you Bug?" you ask turning to Bug.

Suffering: Male Reader x TWDGWhere stories live. Discover now