Chapter 38: Prisoner

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You don't know how long you've been sitting there, nor what time it is. All you know is that you're ready, ready to get the fuck out of this place.

Another explosion echoes through the Delta HQ. You slam the cell door with your hands, hoping to weaken it enough. You hear the clunk of the lock and hop back as the door is unlocked and opened. Minerva, the ginger haired guard, stands before you crossbow in hand. With all your strength you pull your arm back and, in a swift motion, bring it forwards; punching harder than you ever have before.

She clearly wasn't expecting this and takes it in the face full force, collapsing into a pile on the floor. You grab the crossbow from her unconscious hands and grip it firmly.

Fuck the Delta.

You're gonna escape.


It's been a day. A whole gruelling day in this shitty prison cell. Whoever you were talking to in the other cell was taken out of it some time during the night. You heard the screams, you wish you didn't. You actually don't even know how long you've been in the cell for. It could've been a day but it could've easily been longer. It's hard to tell the time in a windowless room.

You've not been fed though. Maybe it was done deliberately so that you couldn't determine the passage of time or, maybe to starve you into submission. Probably both.

"C'mon get up" a bored voice says from behind the door. The door clunks open to reveal the ginger haired girl. "We're letting you out for a bit" she groans in boredom.

You look her up and down. She's unarmed. Unarmed. SHE HAS NO WEAPON.

It can't be that easy, can it?

To escape?

If you attack her now though you'd have a tough time. You don't know the layout or how many guards are outside the boat house. This could even be a test, to see if you'd attack.

That's something they would do right? 


She snaps her fingers in your face and you realise that you've just been staring at her. "Umm you okay man?" she asks. She's crouched down in front of you as you're sat on the edge of the stained mattress, staring at her in disbelief. You could literally headbutt her and make a run for it.

"Uh yeah. I'm good" you reply robotically. You're not sure if she actually bought it but she raises an eyebrow and even reaches out a hand to help you up. You take it and in doing so, realise that your right arm works again, despite there still being a faint numbness.

"We'll get you something to eat first" she says as she leads you out of the cell.

Your eyes burn in pain as they adjust to the natural sunlight. As she leads you up a path towards another building, you see a row of wooden cages outside, with people locked in them. You walk past and try to recognise them but you can't. They look up at you with pleading eyes. Some even beg for you to let them out; but all you can do is look.

"Ignore them" the ginger haired girl says. You obey and continue following her into a building. A few tables are scattered around the room, with chairs abandoned among them. It looks a mess. "This is where we eat" she says, waving an arm around the room, "I'll get us some food, you get us a seat".

You nod in response and find an unoccupied seat, although, most of the chairs are unoccupied so it wasn't exactly a difficult task. You assume that everyone else has already eaten because people are slowly filtering out of the room, presumably to get on with their day's chores. The ginger girl comes back over with some bread and jam. She sits opposite you and places her crossbow on the chair beside her.

Suffering: Male Reader x TWDGWhere stories live. Discover now