Chapter 17: Breach

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You wake up and take a look at the room that you, Bug and Cutter were put in. The beige paint is chipping off of the walls and the window is cracked. You can see the early morning sun glow gently on the horizon as you get dressed. Outside in the hall you can hear Cutters voice, "Yeah okay, we'll deliver the package and then rendezvous with you Captain" he says before you hear the creaking of the door.

He steps in the room putting his radio in his backpack, "Morning Cutter" you yawn pointing at the backpack, "What was that all that about?". He shakes his head slowly, "Captain Anderson wants us to drop something off at Dixieland before going off to meet with him" he says as he walks over to Bug who is still asleep and gives him a big kick in the side. 

"Ahh, fuck I'm up" Bug groans as he slowly sits up rubbing his eyes a little. You check all the things in your backpack to make sure they're ready and sling you rifle on your shoulder before leaving the room and making your way to the front door of the house. You step outside and breathe in the fresh, crisp, early morning air. Bug and Cutter follow close behind and point to the canopy where breakfast is already being served, "Damn it's still really early, I guess these people don't fuck around" Bug says as you make your way over and grab some breakfast.

You all sit down at a bench and start to eat. "So what happened with Jessie?" Cutter asks you. "Oh yeah every things straight now" you say tapping out a rhythm on the edge of the table with your index fingers. Captain Rivers approaches you all and introduces herself, "Hey I heard you were leaving this morning so good luck out there, also, don't worry about Joe; he has been disciplined". She says this last bit whilst looking directly at you. You all thank her and she makes her way back to wherever she came from.

After breakfast, you make your final checks before heading off to the front gate. When you arrive there, you sigh slightly, "If I knew where Jessie was I'd say bye to her" you mutter to the others. Just then you hear a voice shout from behind you. You turn and see Jessie sprinting towards you, "Wait!" she yells waving her arm. As she reaches you, she bends over slightly with her hands on her knees and starts to pant, "Sorry....out...of breath........ hold on" she says struggling to catch her breath. A couple seconds pass and she regains her breath with a smile.

"Hey Y/N!" she exclaims hugging you tightly, "Happy fifteenth birthday!" she says cheerily as she pulls away from you and hands you something. It appears to be some sort of handmade bracelet made from white wool. You examine it in your hand before putting it on. It fits perfectly on your wrist and you smile at her as she holds up her wrist showing an identical bracelet, "I know it isn't much but I thought it was nice, I even made one for myself" she says smiling at you.

You feel a hand on your shoulder and turn to see Bug, "Look kids, as nice as this is we really have to get going if we're going to make it to Dixieland on foot before sun down" he says as he nods to one of the members of Alpha team who hastily opens the front gate. "Have a safe trip" Jessie says planting a kiss on your cheek before you turn your back and walk away, leaving Old Beaver Ranch with Bug and Cutter; your rifles slung on your shoulders and your spirits high.

The walk is very long and as you trudge along the dirt paths you sigh, "Soooo, what are we transporting?" you ask. Cutter just shakes his head, "Can't tell you". You kick some dirt up as you get slightly cross, "But this is bullshit, why couldn't we have just stayed at the ranch a bit longer?" Cutter doesn't reply. You hate it when you get ignored.

It's about midday by the time you see Dixieland's walls. You approach the gate and it opens up revealing Johnson, their leader. "Y/N, long time no see" he hollers tipping his hat to you, "I see the ring fits ya good!" he says as he grips your hand in a firm handshake.

"Yes sir, I think it suits me quite well" you say with a smile. Johnson looks at Bug and Cutter, "Well goddamn, you became a Ranger. That's pretty fucking impressive" he says. You nod to him, "Well I'm not the type of person to give up, not becoming one of the best wasn't an option" you say with confidence.

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