Chapter 25: A Run-In With The Delta

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Y/N's POV:

Chloe runs over and pulls you into a tight embrace, "I'm glad you're okay" she whispers softly in your ear, you can feel your face start turning a shade of red and can only hope that no-one notices.

"Glad to see you're awake Y/N" Mr Johnson exclaims with a smile.

You pull away from Chloe's embrace and nod "I'm glad too, it means I'm not lying there being useless" you reply, you're quite eager to get on with whatever needs to be done; "What's happening with these protests then?" you ask quizzically as you look around at what seems to be a return to some sort of normality.

"Yeah after you got shot I think most of the protesters chickened out" Mr Johnson says as he gestures around the street where you can see everyone going about their day to day chores.

"Like nothing ever happened" you say with a chuckle.

"But something still needs to be done, or else this will all happen again, right?" Chloe says looking to Mr Johnson who nods.

"Precisely" he says, "Which is why I'm interested to have a talk with the Rangers when they arrive".

Your eyes widen, "The Rangers are coming here?" you ask, slightly startled by this sudden piece of information; Captain Anderson is probably going to be significantly angry at you for getting yourself shot and you're not looking forward to that conversation.

"Yes they are, and they should be here soon" Mr Johnson replies, glancing over at Dixieland's front gate, "Real soon".

Almost seconds after he says this there is a mass of movement at the huge gates and they are opened to reveal the Rangers who, despite looking exhausted, seem happy to see you.

"So you aren't dead?" Cutter shouts up the road to you in mock disappointment.

"I wish" you reply, "But it unfortunately looks like I'll have to deal with you lot for a while longer".

"Well that's a shame" Anderson says as they finally reach you, "But seriously, we're all glad you're okay Y/N".

They all murmur in agreement and Mr Johnson shakes Captain Anderson's hand, "We have a present for y'all" he says motioning you all to follow, "And trust me, it's a good one" he adds with a bit of enthusiasm.

"What is it?" you ask.

"The guy that shot you" Chloe replies, you raise an eyebrow at this and one question instantly enters your mind; Revenge?

You're all lead to a dark room in the sheriffs office and you're hit with the memory of what happened the last time you were here, you sentenced a man to death. Similarly to what happened before, there is a man in the room bound to a chair.

It looks like he's been roughed up a bit and whatever clothes he was wearing on his top half has been ripped off and lies destroyed in the far corner of the dingy room. A bucket of water sits next to him on the floor illuminated by a small lightbulb hanging in the centre of the room, just above the man; it casts a dull yellow glow which gives you a bit of a headache.

Anderson picks up the bucket and looks at Mr Johnson who nods. At this, Anderson tips the contents of the bucket over the mans head, soaking him. He gasps and starts spitting out on the floor, "Fuck look I'm sorry" the man shouts in between coughs, "I wasn't aiming for his head, I didn't want to kill him".

"I'm not dead" you say stepping forward into the light so that he can get a good look at you. He stares at you with a really confused look, "What's wrong?" you ask him, "It looks like you've seen a ghost".

He blinks a couple times not understanding what he's looking at. Glancing at the others, he begins round two of begging for his life, "So no harm no foul, right?" the man pleads, his eyes darting around at you all. You cross your arms and look around as the other Rangers shake their heads.

Suffering: Male Reader x TWDGWhere stories live. Discover now