Chapter 33: Arrogance And Stupidity

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The stars in the night sky above shine like beacons, except for one of them, which flashes quickly. But you know it's not a star, it's the helicopter. And it has big news. You heard about it on the radio, sitting with Anderson and the other Rangers in the cabin, he left quickly to meet at the landing site and by the sounds of the other chatter over the radio; the General will be there too.

You stop looking out of the window and huddle up tighter into your blanket, Cutter deals you in another set of cards. They aren't good and you know you won't win this round. You don't care though, you're too busy thinking about everything that's been happening, the war, the death. The weather is changing though and winter is coming; you don't know a whole lot about war but you do know that it gets significantly harder to fight one during the winter months.

"What's up Ghost? You seem on edge" Cutter asks as the round ends and he deals everyone in again.

"Hmm, nothing" you say, "I was just thinking". 

You look at your cards, a king of spades and a two of hearts. You were so distracted you aren't even sure what game you're supposed to be playing. "You know what guys" you say slapping your cards onto a small coffee table that sits in front of you, "I'm going out for a bit of fresh air. I'll be back soon".

The cold air bites into your skin as you slowly step outside the cabin, it's actually quite refreshing. You see the lights of the helicopter getting nearer and decide to make your way to the landing site but stop when you see Chloe and Jessica behind one of the cabins, arguing with each other. You cautiously approach.

"All you did was hurt him" Chloe growls angrily.

"Girl he's obviously friendzoning you, stop attacking me like he's gonna get with you!" Jessica snaps back.

A branch cracks at your feet causing them both to turn. "Umm, hi guys..." you mutter, wincing at the awkwardness that permeates through the air.

"Why don't we just ask him?" Jessica says to Chloe, "Because from what I heard, he made his position pretty clea-".

"Or how about we just all go our separate ways and end the conversation here?" you say, butting in. 

They both pull faces at your suggestion and turn back to each other. You furrow your brow, why do they have to be so frustrating?

"Ladies!" you hear Bug's voice boom from behind you, "I believe a corporal just gave you an order, now fucking follow it".

Chloe and Jessica both turn back to you and salute, "Yes Corporal!" they say before splitting up and leaving.

"See, now they're even addressing you as Corporal, you just gotta be more firm with people" he says putting a hand on your shoulder. "I know it's not easy being someone that gives orders, especially when they're your friends".

"It's more complicated than that" you sigh, "I honestly don't know what I'm gonna do about them both".

"Well you'll have time to think about that later" Bug says, "Because we were just told on the radio to grab our kit for a night-op".

A handful of minutes later, you and the other Rangers are all kitted up and standing around the General's desk looking over a map with drawings on it. "Jim drew the location of the suspected Delta HQ" Anderson says pointing at a spot on the map that has been marked with a red marker. 

"It's going to be around a 14 hour trip to get there and that's if we can even get a vehicle there, he didn't check all the roads so we don't know how many diversions we'll have to take or if there are even adequate roadways in that entire area".

Everyone nods at this and Anderson takes a moment's pause. "When we get near we'll have to go on foot to avoid any patrols and when we arrive it'll be a pure recon mission, we will not engage the enemy, is that understood?".

There is a chorus of "Yes sirs' " and Anderson looks around at everyone, "If we are spotted we are to immediately exfiltrate and I've been told that if we are captured, there will be no rescue party coming for us; too many people would die".

Goldilocks and Bear narrow their eyes at that and you personally don't blame them, it's starting to seem like this is a suicide mission but nevertheless, you're fully confident in your abilities. 

Hopefully this confidence isn't just arrogance and stupidity.

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