Chapter 27: Leave

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You've followed Chloe down the road and are now at the front door, you knock a couple times and wait patiently for a reply, "How polite Y/N but I don't think you need to knock" Chloe says as she reaches over to the door handle and opens the door.

Bug was walking towards the now open door and stops in the hallway, "Ah, we were wondering who was knocking on the door" he says with a chuckle, "Come on, we're in the dining room".

You step into the house and Chloe gives you a small wave before closing herself out of the house, "What is it you wanted to see me about?" you ask Bug as he guides you into a large room with a table. Surrounding the table is the rest of the Rangers who are all drinking bowls of soup; you realise that you're still holding your bowl as well and take a sip, tentatively waiting for an answer.

Captain Anderson stands up from the table, as do the others, They're all staring at you intimidatingly, you look around and struggle with swallowing your soup, your throat feels dry; you're extremely nervous. They're all looking at you with serious faces, like you commited treason or something. You want to ask what's going on but you don't dare make a noise, Cutter starts to laugh and the others follow.

"I'm so fucking sorry, I couldn't stop myself" Cutter exclaims as he slumps back down on his chair. The rest of them sit back down including Anderson who has a smile on his face.

"Sorry Ghost, we were just fucking with you mate" Bear says as he walks over and slaps you on the back.

"Now come on and sit with us" Goldilocks says as he pulls out a chair for you, you sit down and place your bowl of soup on the table.

"Bug almost gave it away, chuckling like that as he went to answer the door" Hulk wheezes in between laughter.

"Hey you only suggested we do this as I went to answer the door, I didn't have time to compose myself properly!" Bug replies, wiping tears out of his eyes from laughing too much.

You give a quick cough and look around at them all, "So what's really going on?" you ask.

Captain Anderson raps his fingers on the edge of the table, "The Delta soldiers mentioned during the interrogation at the gymnasium that they were at war with a group called Richmond which we assume to be based in the city of Richmond, we're going back to Fort Summer tomorrow to relay this info to the General and see what he wants to do about this".

You nod taking this all in, Captain Anderson waits for a second before carrying on, "If the General decides to pursue this, then we may be gone for a while; Bug did the calculations and by car it would take a day or two and that's if we don't have to backtrack and change routes too much".

You realise why they were all making jokes before, they were trying to lighten the mood before this reveal, "We will most likely be gone for a week and that's if we even survive, the Militia hasn't ventured out that far in a long time" Anderson says grimly.

"But there's a chance that the General won't make us go there right?" you ask, interrupting him.

Everyone just shakes their heads, "If Richmond are at war with the Delta then they'll be a good ally for us, and if he does decide to send anyone, then it's guaranteed he'll send us Rangers" Cutter answers with a sigh.

"What about the Delta base, did they tell us where it is?" you inquire.

Hulk spits on the floor, "Those fuckers barely told us shit but we didn't have the means for a proper interrogation with us, they'll get interrogated properly back at Fort Summer".

"You mean torture?" you question.

Anderson nods at this, "Yes Y/N, torture".

You look down at your bowl of soup and all of a sudden you aren't hungry anymore, torture and a long road trip through hostile territory, "Damn" is the only thing you can manage to say, you're choking on all your other words.

Suffering: Male Reader x TWDGWhere stories live. Discover now