Chapter 11: Birthday Part 1

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A couple of weeks have passed and it is now your birthday. You wake up and look at the time, 6:00. You have been waking up at 6:00 rather than 6:30 ever since the night with that weird dream. You like waking up early as it means you have time to do a bit of extra training before breakfast. Edwards has noticed this new routine of yours and seems very happy. You get up and take a cold shower to wake yourself up before going to the training grounds, the good thing about arriving at this time is there is only ever a couple people there so you don't have to worry about getting in anyone's way.

You spend most of your time working on the rope climb, in fact, you can climb up it now almost as fast as Jessie. From your position on the platform at the top of the rope climb, you notice a man standing at the edge of the training grounds with his hands on his hips watching you. He sees you notice him and turns to walk away. You slide down the rope and walk towards him. He looks back at you before speeding up, you see this and start jogging towards him.

He quickens his pace even further and slips into a cabin which you assume is the quarters for one of the units. You open the door and are greeted by another man, this one you recognise as one of the captains although you are not sure of his name. "And that men, is what happens if you are a fucking moron and get spotted" he says with a British accent as he looks around at the others who are cleaning their weapons.

"Come inside" he says to you as he practically yanks you into the room. "My name is Captain Anderson" he says shaking your hand, "And we are The Rangers" he says waving his arm around the room.

You gasp slightly and take a step backwards towards the door, "Why were you watching me?" you ask as you take a second step backwards. He chuckles and looks at the man you chased before turning to you, "Well, Sergeant Edwards said that you were a promising recruit and that you even partake in extra training so I thought I would send someone to scout you out" he says walking past you and closing the door before continuing the conversation, "And I don't want to be rude but we have been watching you for about a week. So despite your amazing performance you have absolutely shit observational skills".

You frown, were you actually being watched for a week and didn't notice? "Well looks like I would be terrible in a recon unit then" you say pushing past him, opening the door and exiting the cabin. As you hurry away, you see Captain Anderson wave at you. You silently pray to yourself that he stops taking an interest in you, especially after what Sergeant Edwards said about them. On the other hand, you have been training especially hard and been trying to put the effort in to be noticed so maybe The Rangers taking an interest in you might be a good thing. 

At least you know you are doing something right if The Militia's special forces like you. You start walking towards the cafeteria as it ought to be breakfast soon. On your way you bump into Edwards who looks slightly concerned. "Are you okay Y/N? You look like you've seen a ghost" he says putting a hand on your shoulder.

"Oh I'm fine I just bumped into The Rangers, turns out they have been watching me" you say to him. He pulls a face and sighs "Yeah.... I probably should have told you this earlier but I had a big meeting the start of last week with all the captains and when asked about your progress I may have told them you were my top student and that you were doing extra training in your own time. The Rangers seemed very intrigued by that".

You think for a bit "Why was I even brought up?" you ask. "Captain Anderson said that he and The General saw you shooting one night and said you looked promising. Anyway I have a meeting to attend so I need to leave" he says as he walks away from you. You continue on your way to the cafeteria grabbing your food and sitting down at the usual table.

The others soon make their way to the cafeteria and after grabbing their food, join you. "Hey guys" you say as they sit down and start eating. As Chloe sits down she looks up at you "Isn't it your birthday at some point this week?" she asks.

Suffering: Male Reader x TWDGWhere stories live. Discover now