Chapter 40: Tertium Non Datur

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"And you're sure that it was Ethan talking to Lilly?" the General asks, frowning like he often does these days.

You nod and glance over at the other Rangers. You're all back safely behind Fort Summer's walls now, and, after your rescue from the Delta HQ, the Militia have been the ones on the offensive and have even pushed into the Delta's territory in a series of significant attacks. It has been a few days since your rescue but unfortunately for you, the General has been very ill and had locked himself away.

This has been the first opportunity tell him about Ethan.

"I'm positive sir" you say sincerely.

He twirls his grey moustache and clenches his jaw muscles. "Then he has committed treason, a crime punishable by death. He will be executed" the General looks at you before continuing, "He will be executed by you Y/N".

Your breath catches in your throat. This wasn't how you thought this was going to go. Anderson puts a hand on your shoulder, "I'll organise everything" he says sympathetically, "But I'll make sure you're the one to do it". He says that last bit, more for the General than for you. Today is going to be a bad day.

The General nods, "And on a brighter subject" he says trying to crack a smile, "I'm promoting you to sergeant".

You narrow your eyes at this, it seems to you that he's just giving you a promotion out of pity for making you execute Ethan. Nevertheless, you salute him and, as he shakes your hand, you thank him for the new promotion.

As you all step out of the General's cabin Bear points over towards the lake where you can see Ethan talking to David Carris. "Fuck me" Bear growls, "If David knew who Ethan really was he'd rip the fuckers throat out with his bare hands".

Cutter lets out a snort, "You're not fucking wrong" he laughs, "Maybe we should tell him, it saves Ghost having to kill him".

Anderson hushes them both and glances around, "Yeah lets not openly talk about shit like this" he scowls, "If people find out there was a spy amongst us it could spread panic".

This time it's your turn to chime in, "Was?" you ask, "Because from what I'm aware I haven't killed him yet".

The others chuckle, even Anderson.

You all make your way to the Ranger's cabin. All of you except Captain Anderson who has gone off to make plans for Ethan's execution. According to Bug, the General doesn't like to have them publicly so instead he has people taken to the old barn that's nearby; which might explain why everyone was so mad at you all those years ago for sneaking over there.

As you get to the cabin you can see a small crowd has formed outside. Chloe stands at the front of the crowd and, upon seeing you, begins clapping and cheering.

"What's going on?" you ask Bug.

He smirks and looks over to the crowd. "Yeah, we may have known about your promotion before you were given it and lets just say we thought your friend Chloe might want to know about it".

You frown, "But why couldn't I have told her myself?" you ask quizzically.

He pats you on the back and gestures to the crowd who you realise are all from Chloe's unit, the Wolves. "Please welcome the newest sergeant to the Militia, Sergeant Y/N of the Rangers!" he bellows to the crowd.

They all cheer as you feel your face turn more and more red. You see Captain Richard, a man you've briefly met once, give you a curt nod before corralling the Wolves away from the cabin. From what you've heard, he's supposedly a firm but fair leader for the Wolves.

Chloe doesn't follow the rest of her unit and instead waves you over. You glance back to the others who just shrug and enter the cabin. You decide to see what she wants and begin to follow her. She leads you over to the edge of the lake and sits down on the frost covered grass. You sit beside her and glance over to where Ethan is still talking to David.

Suffering: Male Reader x TWDGWhere stories live. Discover now