Chapter 1: Fort Summer

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You slowly wake up and look around. You're in some sort of log cabin. There is a lantern hanging from the ceiling casting an orange glow and there are curtains covering the windows. You are lying on a bed, in fact, there is a row of beds although you are the only person in here.

You take a look at your body, there are bandages covering your arms and you are handcuffed to the bed. You can't see your foot because of the bed covers but it feels a lot better. You can feel some sort of bandage wrapped around your head as well. You can see a piece of paper on a stool beside your bed. You can just about read it from your position in the bed.

NAME: Steven L/N  -  At least that's what his dog tags say

AGE: Probably 12-13 So possibility the dog tags are not his but a family members

-I just checked and there definitely isn't anyone here by that name so he IS an outsider THAT MEANS KEEP HIM CUFFED-JEFF

-Multiple lacerations in arms from glass related injury- Had to remove many glass shards- Lots of bleeding- Stitched him up

-Twisted ankle- Healing nicely

-Shows signs of malnourishment and dehydration

-Unconscious when brought in- and quite pale possibly due to loss of blood

You hear a noise as the door to the cabin opens and a man who looks like a soldier walks in. He pauses when he sees you and pulls out a walkie-talkie.

"Kids awake in the medical cabin" he speaks into it before walking up to the curtains and opening them revealing a pink early morning sky. He then turns off the lantern and leaves without so much as looking your way. A couple minutes pass and a woman probably in her mid twenties and wearing the same uniform walks in.

"I see you're awake. How are you feeling kid?" she asks as she approaches your bed holding a set of clothes identical to the ones she and the man were wearing as well as a pair of brand new boots. "hopefully these fit you" she says putting them down at the foot of the bed.

"Your old clothes have been burned. Unfortunately they were ruined in whatever events led up to us finding you". She takes the handcuff off you and places it on the stool with the paper.

"Where am I?" you ask as she turns around to give you some privacy whilst you get dressed.

"It's not for me to say" she replies. "How's your foot?"

"Better". You say removing the bandage from your head. You decide to keep the bandages on your arms for now as they still sting with pain.

As you finish getting changed she turns around "The General should be here soon. He will explain everything".

A/N: You are now wearing the clothes I showed in the INFO chapter except for the hat

The door opens again and a tall man walks in wearing the same outfit as the others. He has short grey hair and a grey trimmed moustache. He walks with confidence into the room. The woman you were talking to instantly turns to him and salutes.

"At ease soldier" His deep southern voice booms. He strides up to you as you sit on the bed tying up the laces of your new boots. "Hope you like the clothes" he grins. "What's your name kid?"

You look up at him and as you finish tying your boots you stand up "It's Y/N sir" you say giving a quick salute.

He quietly chuckles at you. "Well seems like you're going to fit in perfectly. You're already saluting and everything. Say, Y/N, where are your parents?" He asks.

"Dead.... As well as the rest of my group" you sigh as tears start to fill your eyes.

"Oh, I am very sorry for bringing it up" he says pulling you into a hug. "Don't worry though. We'll protect you and turn you into a proper soldier in no time. If you'd like to that is." He pulls away from you. "Here, follow me and I'll give you the tour of our facilities before the majority of people wake up and it gets too busy. Then we can discuss the potential for you to stay here". You follow him as he exits the cabin.

Outside, you realise that this is some sort of summer camp next to a beautiful crystal clear lake. It has clearly been renovated though as there are massive log walls surrounding the camp as well as wooden lookout towers and a big wooden gate. There are probably about 10 cabins in total with the one you just came from being one of the smallest.

He takes you to the largest building. "This is the cafeteria where you will be fed 3 meals a day, every day." He points at a board on the wall. "Any important announcements will be put on this board so keep an eye on it for anything new" you both walk back outside and he points to a row of long wooden cabins. "The boys all sleep in one cabin, The girls in another. Then, once you're fifteen, you will be put in your assigned units cabin"

"What unit would I be assigned to sir?" you ask him.

"Well" he says turning to you "The units decide amongst themselves who is having who so really it depends on how good you do in training. And anyway how old are you?"

"I'm twelve sir" you reply as he leads you further through the camp.

"Well in that case you wont have to worry about that for a while. Here are the boys quarters" he says pointing at a cabin. "And the girls are over there" he says pointing to the cabin opposite. "We don't have a lot of you children, about seven boys and five girls so those cabins have plenty of room for activities. I mean, each unit has about eighteen people so you can imagine the difference in space when you move outta the child's cabin and join your unit".

You start walking again towards another building. This one is less cabin-like and more for utilities. "This is the toilets and the showers. And yes before you ask, we do have hot water"

"Actually?" you ask with an air of surprise.

"Course we do, we ain't animals" he laughs as he pats you on the back. "Believe it or not, we also have electricity from that wind turbine over there". He points over to a hill in the distance and sure enough you see a wind turbine. "It's a bit far away, three hour walk to be exact, but we send regular patrols out that way to check up on it. Not all cabins have electricity yet but we are working on it".

You both stop in front of a smaller cabin, the sign outside says office. "This is my office" he tells you as you both step in. There is a bearskin rug on the floor and a large oak desk in the middle of the room. A deer head is mounted on the wall. "Hey almost forgot" he says walking over to his desk picking something up from it. "I believe this is yours" he says handing you your machete. 

You take it graciously. "I cleaned and sharpened it for you. You should get yourself a sheath for it so you don't have to hold it constantly. I think Hank could make you one, he's good with making things out of leather. Plus, you need to speak to him because he was one of the men that found you and carried you here"

"Will do" you say leaving the office. "What do you call this place?" you ask still deciding whether you should stay or not.

"We call ourselves The Militia, and this place used to be a summer camp but we turned it into a mighty fine military fortification, therefore it received the nickname Fort Summer, a name I am quite fond of. You decide if you wanna stay yet?"

"Yes" you reply.

"I think I'll stay"

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