Chapter 9: Strength And Survival

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You wake up leaning against a tree by the lake. You look around and check yourself for any wounds but there are none. You are completely drenched in sweat however. That must have been a dream but it felt so real. You splash water on your face from the lake and head in the direction of the cafeteria noticing the sun slowly setting.

As you approach you notice that people are already eating so quickly join the end of the queue. You look over at your usual table and see the others eating. You see Chloe and Jessie chatting away to each other. Once you reach the front of the line you grab your food before heading to another table. You sit down and start eating. "Hey do you mind if we sit here?" asks a man with a British accent. "Go ahead" you mumble as you continue to eat thinking about the weird dream you just experienced.

A bunch of people sit down at the table as the man who asked turns to you. "You're Y/N aren't you. It is a pleasure to meet you". He says extending his arm out to you. You take it and shake his hand "It's a pleasure to meet you too" you respond not really in the mood to talk. He starts eating and chatting with the others before turning back to you "I was speaking to Edwards" he says putting his spoon down "And he was bragging about how good your shooting is. Is it possible that I can see it someday, after all, once you turn fifteen us captains will have to decide amongst ourselves where to put you. And I would hate for you to go where your skills can't be used" he says smiling at you before returning to his food.

"Sure" you say as you stuff some more food in your mouth, "I would love to".

After finishing your food you head out of the cafeteria and make your way to the shooting range as you have a bit of time to kill before its time to clean the toilets. You pull out the ring and examine it, Tertium non datur, "There is no third option" you say to yourself. "I either get over the thought of death and continue living. Or I continue to be broken, and die when I hesitate and fail to protect myself". You slip the ring back into your pocket and pull your gun from its holster. 

You hold it in your hands examining it. You point it at the target and fire two shots in quick succession both hitting its head. You pause and watch as the target shifts its form turning into Alfie. You don't hesitate and this time you unload your entire magazine into its head. You blink and see the target is just a normal target again. You hear clapping and turn around to see the General and the captain you met at dinner.

The General walks over to you smiling. "Congratulations, your punishment is over you can go join the others". You nod and walk away from the shooting range. You didn't realise you had an audience. As you walk away you hear the captain say to the General "Edwards was right, maybe when he turns fifteen we should consider him for The Rangers". You continue walking towards the cafeteria hoping to find one of the others.

As you arrive you look around but you can't find them anywhere so you start to head back to the lake to relax. You know that when it gets this late kids aren't supposed to be out of the quarters but considering you have been cleaning the toilets late at night for your punishment for the past week, you don't think anyone would take notice of you. However, as you turn around, your eyes catch someone hiding behind the toilets. You weren't able to get a good enough look at them but you decide to investigate.

You pull out your machete and calmly sneak up to the toilets which is essentially a concrete block of a building. You reach the side of the building and make your way around the corner and see the person crouched with their back to you peaking around the other side of the building. You raise your machete and edge closer but notice they are wearing a Militia uniform. You pause realising you recognise them. "Jessie?" you ask as she jumps up in shock and turns around to face you. "Uhh, hey" she says looking embarrassed.

You put your machete away before scratching the scars on your arms which always start to itch when you feel tense. "What are you doing here?" you ask her as she stands up and walks towards you. "I was waiting for you" she says leaning against the wall, "Chloe said you refused to take the third shot so I was waiting for you to come clean the toilets so we could talk. You helped me learn how to shoot so I only feel its right to try and help you back" she says smiling at you and putting her hands on her hips. You laugh slightly which causes her to start giggling "What's so funny?" she asks. You stop laughing and put your hands on your hips copying her.

Suffering: Male Reader x TWDGWhere stories live. Discover now