Chapter 30: An Alliance

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You leave the hospital with Gabe. Captain Anderson sent you off to inspect Richmond's army, and Gabe, being somewhat in charge of that army, is here to show them off. He leads you down the street to an alleyway where a group of people are hanging out, "These are some of my best shots" he says proudly as he grabs a few bottles from a case and places them in the dead end of the alley, "Just watch".

The group of people raise their pistols and send a volley of shots at the bottles, missing them, all of them. "Umm, are you sure they're your best?" you ask sceptically, furrowing your brow slightly, "Because they seem shit".

Gabe looks upset at this and shoves you slightly, "Umm yeah. They're great actually, I'd like to see you try doing better".

You chuckle, and unholster your sidearm. As you bring it up to head height you let out a short breath, please don't mess this up. You squeeze the trigger and a bottle shatters, before anyone has time to react to it though, you line up your pistol with the next bottle and shoot again, shattering that one as well. You don't stop until all the bottles are hit.

The others stand there completely stunned. You holster your gun and turn to Gabe who has gone red with embarrassment, "Ah, it looks like I can do better" you exclaim, feigning surprise. Gabe's look of embarrassment fades and shifts into one of anger.

"How... I mean.. what!" he shouts, stuttering over his words. You just wink at him and look over his shoulder, Anderson and Javier are heading your way so you decide it's best not to start an argument or gloat about how easy it was to shoot the bottles. When they reach you, Gabe throws a fit.

"This is actually ridiculous!" he shouts at Javier, "Y/N said they were shit and then he embarrassed me in front of everyone!".

Javier sighs, "Sorry Y/N for this outburst by Gabe" he says as he grabs Gabriel by the shoulder and hisses something angrily into his ear.

Gabe doesn't seem to like this and shakes his head, "No, just because they come in dressed up as soldiers doesn't mean anything Javi, we don't even know if we can trust them!".

Before anything else kicks off, the others exit the hospital, "There you lot are!" Goldilocks yells towards you, "That guy's completely lost a leg but apart from that he'll live!".

They reach you and Bug narrows his eyes, "Ohhhh, I think we interrupted something" he says quietly. Goldilocks stops talking and the whole group is now silent.

"See that" Javier says to Gabe, "They saved a man's life in there, we're trusting them and that's final". 

"That's good to hear" Anderson says with a smile, "By the sound of it, your people need a lot more training in order to be a proper fighting force, the Militia can give you that training".

Javier nods at this, "Yeah, that would be great".

Gabe growls something but you don't hear what it is, you're too busy listening to Javier, it looks like the Militia and Richmond have a proper alliance. Then you notice something, out of your peripheral vision but before you have time to look, you're struck in the nose. You fall to your knees and clutch your face, blood pouring out your nose all over your hands.

Gabe hit you. He goes for another punch but you manage to dodge out the way and punch him in the throat. He doubles over, choking and gasping for air. You raise your fist to hit him again but Bear grabs your arm, "Enough" he says calmly, "That first hit was self defence, you don't need to strike him again".

A woman runs across the street towards the scene that has been created, you're covering your nose with a rag you had in your back pocket but despite this, the bleeding won't stop. "What is going on?" she asks sternly.

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