Chapter 16: I Love You

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As you all follow Jessie you look down and realise you are covered in blood, in fact, your hands are dripping blood. You wipe them on your shirt which is already soaked in blood and shake your head, "I don't suppose there is a shower at this ranch?" you ask Jessie as she continues to lead you along a small dirt track.

"I'm afraid not" she says, "But there is a stream". You raise an eyebrow, you can't imagine not being able to shower but now that you think about it, this is exactly what you had to do before you joined the Militia. Jessie continues her tour of the ranch showing you the different locations such as the stables, the accommodations, and the small armoury they have.

You weren't really paying attention as you were too busy trying to plan out what to say to Jessie which unfortunately is not going too well. You are unsure of what exactly you should say but you are also unsure of what you actually want to say, on one hand you are really upset at her but on the other hand, you do still love her despite the circumstances.

Bug taps you on the shoulder and pulls you to one side, "So this is the infamous Jessie?" he asks you. You nod before replying, "Yep and as you can see she doesn't really want to talk to me" you say scratching the scars on your arms which are starting to itch, probably due to the stress of being near Jessie.

"Well relationships aren't really my strong suit but I'll try to help" he says as you re-join Cutter and Jessie. "Well that concludes the tour" she says looking over at all of you, you notice that as her eyes fall on you they hover slightly looking into your eyes before swiftly looking away. She walks away from you all leaving you to your own devices. All three of you decide its best to wash up so you head to the stream.

"She's totally still into you" Cutter says as you all wash in the stream, "I mean, did you see the way she looked at you". You smile slightly at this, at least you know your eyes weren't deceiving you and that she did indeed look into your eyes and pause. You watch as you submerge your arms into the water, the blood slowly washing off leaving your clean, wet, scarred skin. You feel the scars, who knew glass could do that much damage? Certainly not you.

After getting cleaned up you decide to head back towards the main area of the ranch. The sky was now dark and it would soon be time to rest before heading back out on patrol in the morning. That is if you are allowed to stay the night. Cutter radios in to Fort Summer and informs them of your safe arrival at Old Beaver Ranch. They agree that it's best if you stay the night at the ranch before resuming your patrol tomorrow.

You look towards a house and see Tilly sobbing into the arms of a man you assume to be her husband, "Poor woman, she saw her friends turn right in front of her eyes" you say to the others as you all arrive at the house of the man in charge of the ranch. Cutter goes in to inform him that you will be staying for the night as you and Bug wait outside.

You turn to your right and watch as someone is carrying a big box towards the stables. It is slowly slipping out of his grip so you dart towards him and hold the other end of the box, guiding it into the stables before placing it down with a thud. The boy is sweaty and looks slightly older than you. He gives you a fist bump before introducing himself, "Hey my name is Joe, I'm part of Alpha team. You're one of the Rangers aren't you?".

You smile and nod your head, "Yeah my name's Y/N, we're planning to stay the night and leave in the morning" you say resting your hands on your belt. He leans slightly against the stable wall, "Hmm, you're probably about the same age as Jessica" he says. Your eyes widen slightly as he continues talking, "Maybe I'll introduce you to her, she's pretty cool, and cute" he says picking at his fingernails.

You spit on the floor and leave the stables, shaking your head to yourself as you head back towards the house you left Bug at. You can see Cutter exiting the house, he sees you walking over and puts a thumb up. You assume that means the ranch is happy with you staying. "Don't fucking spit at me!" you hear Joe shout from behind you. You turn around to see him storming towards you with a very angry expression on his stupid face and a pitchfork in his hands.

Suffering: Male Reader x TWDGWhere stories live. Discover now