Chapter 43: Cutter Would Be Proud

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Gunshots echo through the hallways of the hospital. You and Bug move swiftly and in unison, clearing rooms as you go. You reach the end of the corridor and pause, waiting for Bug to catch up, you hear his footsteps approach from behind and get ready to continue. He taps you on the shoulder, the signal to move on.

You swing around the corner, rifle raised. A woman stands about 8 feet away from you.



Two shots to the chest and she falls to the ground dead. You walk forwards, stepping over her body, careful not to trip. To your left is a closed door, Bug takes one side whilst you position yourself on the other side and prepare to breach. You kick down the door and are face to face with a man frantically trying to load his shotgun. You kill him.

You and Bug move onto the next room, and the next, and the one after that as well.

Rinse and repeat.

You don't know how many you've killed but it's at least in the twenties, suggesting that this wasn't just a small outpost but something much bigger and much more important than that.

You kick in a door and sweep the barrel of your rifle across the room. It's empty albeit a little cluttered. There are camping stye beds lining the far wall of the room which clearly used to be a huge ward, there are hospital curtains being used as dividers in between some of the beds to allow for a modicum of privacy. You go to check behind one of the curtains but Bug yelps in surprise, you rush out of the room and see him doubled over, chuckling to himself.

"Holy fuck" he exclaims as he tries to catch his breath, "I just opened a door and a fucking mop falls out and hits me on the head, I almost shit myself!".

You give him a smirk and follow as he leads the way deeper into the hospital. You begin to hear gunfire from the other end of the hospital, the other Rangers must be here now.

The assault continues as you and Bug push through the hospital and eventually you meet up with the others outside of a locked room. Anderson kicks the door down and you all enter, guns raised.

The room was clearly some sort of communications hub. At the end of the room sits a desk that's littered with papers seemingly detailing plans involving war, interestingly though, these plans seem to be talking about an enemy other than the Militia or Richmond. As you look over these papers you're left with an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. It seems whoever else they're fighting, they've been fighting them for an awful long time and, what's more, this enemy of theirs uses the infected as a weapon.

A walkie-talkie crackles into life underneath the vast paperwork. Bug picks it up and goes to pocket it but stops as a voice begins to talk through it.

"Hey can someone find Lilly, her ship's ready and we need to depart as soon as possible if we're gonna make it to the school on time to gather more recruits".

Everyone looks at each other and you immediately scour over the documents on the table for anything about this school. You find a scrap of paper with the name Ericson's School  scrawled on it in black pen. Bug grabs a map and tries finding it whilst Anderson helps you in your search for anything else related to this school.

Anderson pulls out a map from under some papers and lays it out on the table. Sure enough, circled in red pen is Ericson's School and it's quite far away. "We're gonna have to find this school" Anderson says gruffly, "And we better do it before they get there".

He pauses, thinking, "We could just blow up the boat" he says with a grin.

Immediately Hulk takes off his backpack and pulls out the microphone on the radio holding it up for Anderson who promptly tells the person on the other end to divert the helicopter to the Delta base and target the boat that'll be leaving soon. You all leave the hospital and make the journey to the Delta HQ as you're all eager to see Lilly's ship get blown up.

As you stand on the opposite the side of the river to their base, you can see the huge Delta presence on one of the ships, clearly that's the one that's gonna be used to get to the school. You begin to hear a deep but quiet hum, slowly getting louder and louder.

"Sounds like the helicopter's almost here" Bear says, looking around the skyline trying to catch a peek at it. 

The attack helicopter comes into view in the distance, a crackle on your radios signifies that the helicopter is in range with your regular radios and is trying to get into contact. Anderson raises his radio, "The target is the ship with lots of movement on it" he says professionally.

The pilot responds not with words but by altering the helicopters course towards the ship and firing a missile which just misses and slams into the ship next to Lilly's. Alarms begin blaring across the Delta base and gradually, Lilly's ship begins to pull away from its dock, picking up speed is it goes on.

Another missile gets launched but it hits harmlessly into the water. "For fuck's sake" Anderson growls angrily, "This fucker is useless".

You can't help but agree. How hard can it be to hit a ship that big?

Salvos of sporadic gunfire erupt as the Delta attempt to defend themselves against the helicopter which is now taking evasive maneuvers. "I'm gonna have to pull back or they'll shoot me down" the pilot says over the radio.

You hear Bug curse under his breath, it's going to be a lot harder to get to Ericson's school before Lilly does now. 

You all watch as Lilly's boat chugs along down the river, it's shadow silhouetted against the setting sun. The Delta radio crackles to life and you hear a triumphant voice talk through the speaker, "We did it, we repelled the helicopter" the voice shouts, you spit on the floor in disgust and grab the Delta radio from Bug, making a move to switch it off.

"I'll turn it back on in 5 minutes" you say, "Just so we don't miss anything important". The others agree with you, they also don't want to hear the Delta gloating on the radio but equally understand the importance of listening in to the communications as much as possible for any valuable information.

Just as you're about to turn it off, another voice comes over the Delta radio, this one a lot more panicked.

"Help, help!" it screams, "The hospital has been attacked, a few of us managed to hide but we need help. The, the... the a-attackers had skull masks on and were absolutely insane".

You all chuckle at this.

"They f-f-fucking k-killed everyone, p-p-please, send help!" the voice stutters with fear.

You all look at each other, at least one good thing came out of today. You struck fear into the hearts of the Delta that they won't forget for a long time.

Cutter would be proud.

Suffering: Male Reader x TWDGWhere stories live. Discover now