Chapter 20: Causing A Scene

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You can hear talking and open your eyes. You're slumped in a big armchair in the Rangers' cabin. Everyone stops talking and looks at you, "Are you okay?" Bug asks walking towards you.

You sit up properly and rub your eyes, "Yeah I think so, what happened?" you ask trying to get up.

Bug lends a hand and helps you to your feet, "You had a panic attack" he says with a sigh, "But you're okay now".

You think back to what happened and remember the fight, "And what happened with Mark?" you ask curiously, hoping he fell over and hit his head on a rock or something else fatal.

"Don't worry about it, we'll deal with him" a voice says, you look over to see Captain Anderson entering the cabin, "I spoke to Captain Jones of Bravo team and managed to convince the high command not to punish you" he says sitting down in a chair across the room from where you currently stand.

"Mr Johnson also barred the entirety of Bravo team from entering Dixieland as a way of standing with you in solidarity against Mark" he exclaims with a small, almost unnoticeable smile, "This means it is very likely that the General will personally punish Mark" he adds, this time with a chuckle.

"What about Jessie?" you ask, a few of the Rangers shake their heads.

"I saw her take Mark to the medical cabin" Bear says with a frown, "I'm unsure about where you stand with her, though I doubt she regards you very highly given her concern for Mark's wellbeing".

This is the news you didn't want to hear but it's something you very much expected, Mark hates you and as a result of this hatred he destroyed your relationship with Jessie. How is Jessie so ignorant to believe him? you think trying to work out the best course of action moving forward.

"I suppose I better talk to her" you say, making your way to the door of the cabin.

"Just be careful" Gandalf shouts as you leave.

Outside the cabin it is clear that the weather has picked up, the wind howls through the fort as you make your way towards the dreaded medical cabin. On your way you bump into Mia and Chloe. "I'm so sorry about what happened" Chloe says, a tear running down her cheek. She outstretches her arms to hug you but stops, seemingly deciding that it wouldn't be a good idea.

"Mark is an asshole and if I see him, I'm gonna kick his ass" Mia scowls, putting her hands on her hips and frowning. At least I still have people who are on my side, you think to yourself as you try to remain calm and give a brief, probably unconvincing smile.

"I appreciate you both" you say softly.

"Is there anything you need us to do?" Chloe asks, wiping away a tear.

"No, I'm sure I'll be fine" you say, trying as hard as you can to appear confident. In reality though, you are entirely unsure of what to do. When you see Jessie she'll most likely break up with you and that's it then; where do you go from there?

"Well if you need anything all you need to do is ask" she says sweetly, you can tell she wants to help but is worried she'll make things worse, you just nod and walk away continuing on towards the medical cabin.

Upon arrival, you see Jessica sitting outside. She looks up at you with anger, "His nose will be permanently out of place thanks to you" she hisses at you.

"Maybe he shouldn't lie about people then" you respond bluntly. 

She rolls her eyes at this.

You decide to continue speaking, "I need to be honest for a second, do you actually care about us, about our relationship?" you ask glumly, "Because it really feels like you don't".

"Well maybe I don't want to be with someone who can't control his anger and lashes out at people" she shouts, raising her voice to the sky. People in the surrounding area look in your direction presumably trying to work out what's going on.

"Now you're just causing a scene" you growl at her, getting closer, "Why do you trust Mark more than me?".

"Oh yeah? I'm causing a scene am I? Says the guy that tried to kill someone with his stupid fucking machete he carries with him everywhere!" she yells noticeably ignoring your question. She shoves you away from her, you can see now that you are closer that she has been crying, "You know what Y/N, it was so relaxing when I didn't have to deal with your shit" she shrieks shoving you again, "It's over!".

You stare at her blankly, you expected this response so aren't at all surprised with what happened. "Fine" you say in a monotone voice, your face managing to hide most of your emotions, "I hope you have fun with Mark".

You turn around and begin to walk away, you can hear her crying behind you but you don't bother looking back; you've lost a lot of respect for her, the fact she could so simply turn her back on you because of a few comments from Mark, someone who she knew hated you and would do anything he could to make your life more difficult.

It begins to rain as you make your way through Fort Summer looking for anything to distract yourself from your feelings. You don't want her to affect you, you just want to shut your emotions away and not think about it, the pain and the betrayal.

You walk to the cafeteria and stroll inside, you can see Chloe and Mia sitting at a table with the rest of the Wolves. They both look at you and Mia beckons you over, you decide to join them at the table; it will help take your mind off of Jessie.

"So I guess it didn't go well then?" Mia asks with a sigh.

"It is what it is" you say with a faux smile. You turn to the rest of the Wolves, "Is it okay if I join you guys for a bit?" you asks trying to be as friendly as possible.

"Of course" one of them says slapping their hand on the table, "I don't see why not".

With that confirmation you sit down at the table, Mia and Chloe move up so there's room right on the edge for you. Next to Chloe. You sit down and everyone at the table resumes their conversations. "Soooooo, do you want to talk about what happened?" Chloe asks.

"Nope not right now" you say still trying to keep your smile, "especially in a room full of people" you add with a quiet chuckle. If you act happy enough surely you will become happy.

She nods, "That's understandable, if you want to talk I'm always open to listen" she says nudging you with her elbow.

"Me too" Mia says. You're glad to have people to talk to, a few of the Wolves start playing cards.

"You guys wanna join?" one of them asks you. You all glance at each other and shrug.

"Sure" you say reaching for some cards, Chloe and Mia do the same and soon enough you're all playing blackjack. Time seems to fly as you keep playing, hand after hand after hand. You win quite a few times to the annoyance of everyone else at the table.

"How are you this lucky?" one of them asks as you win yet again.

"Who said anything about luck?" you ask with a laugh, "This is pure skill".

A/N: So.... the book hit 1k reads. I genuinely appreciate every single one of you, you're all amazing people. If you're enjoying the book I highly recommend you follow me so you can keep up to date with any info regarding this book or any other projects. Also, if you enjoy a chapter feel free to vote as it helps my book get noticed by more people. Again, I thank you all for reading and I'll see you again in the next chapter!!!!!

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